Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The room was nearly filled to capacity, everyone busy with one thing or another.

Nancy, Jonathan and Robin bustling around cleaning and organizing supplies.

Dustin was using the CB radio communicating with someone, presumably Lucas as I knew he would be at the hospital with Max and Erica.

Steve and Argyle were working together moving what remained of broken furniture around making places for people to sit or rest.

Will and Mike seeing us quickly got up from the couch, coming towards our little group.

"El are you ok? Shit is that Eddie?! Who's that girl with him?!"

Jumping in as I felt Eddie leaning on me more heavily, the two of us really couldn't handle much more in the way of travel, we both needed to rest.

"So quick introductions for now I'm Tinuviel, please call me Red and yes this is this is Eddie"

I blushed at my misstep and Eddie not missing a beat added,

"Yes it is I, her Eddie"

Helping the two of us to the couch I carefully detached myself from Eddie earning me a pout until he saw me grab the first aid kit barely hanging off of a wall and began rummaging through it "YES!"

Pulling out a pack of expired naproxen I grabbed the bottle of water and returned to Eddie's side with a smile.

"Well it's not a joint but this should help a little"

Grabbing both of them with a grateful smile he refused to take them until I'd sat down beside him, arranging me in his arms he finally took the pain meds and sighed with the impending relief, sitting back allowing himself to relax.

A nap would not have been out of the question if the two curious teens hadn't followed on our heels and settled themselves on the broken coffee table across from us.

"So Dustin told us what happened in the Upside Down but what he hasn't told us is where did you come from Red?"

Sighing heavily, not at all looking forwards to storytelling part three I put my head in my hands before cursing luridly at myself,

"Godsdamned sonofafuckingbitch..just got fingerprints all over my fucking glasses, and what are the chances there's a clean cloth in this place?"

Raised eyebrows were abound at my lurid swearing, not that I could tell since I couldn't see much through the smudges on my glasses

Nancy surprisingly managed to find and grabbed what looked to be a non moldering t-shirt and tossed it over to me, smiling in thanks I took my glasses off and began gently trying to remove the fingerprints and smudges decorating them.

Eddie raised an eyebrow at Red's creative curses as he looked her over, his first chance seeing her without her glasses and he couldn't believe the difference. She looked younger, years younger without them and he filed that information away for later. He'd always heard of the whole hot chick with glasses thing but never quite like this, and certainly not one who shared his interests.

Sighing I nodded to Eleven who'd sat down nestling herself beside Mike while she and I worked to tell the story. It didn't take long for the cleaning and arranging of furniture to stop in favor of hearing the details of my story. Nancy nearly dropped a dust pan full of debris when I mentioned coming not just from the future but from another reality altogether. When the story was done I braced myself for the negative reactions, worrying the rings on my fingers as I waited for what felt like hours.

"So you're like a time traveling witch from another dimension?"

Argyles glib question made me snort, grateful that I hadn't been eating or drinking I'd burst out laughing at his assessment, tears pouring from my eyes as I held my stomach laughing, releasing the pent up stress and emotions of the day in pure laughter. It wasn't long before I choked on my own air and started coughing, Eddie patted me on the back hoping and praying that I wasn't having an asthma attack as he doubted they had an inhaler just lying around in this cabin.

Finally after a few minutes or forever if anyone were to ask Eddie I managed to breathe normally and wipe the tears from my eyes and answer the question.

"I mean technically yes, thought that sounds more like a D&D character than reality...that's actually a fair description of what happened. Thank you for the laugh, I needed that"

I didn't miss the sotto voce of "I didn't..gave me a fuckin heart attack" from Eddie and gave him an apologetic smile taking his hand in mine and kissing it before addressing the group again.

"Now if I remember correctly the cracks aren't near here so we can safely hide out at least for a little bit, maybe even fortify the place? Cause if we don't get some rest here soon we wont make it. Unless anyone's got a better idea.."

Eddie nodded in agreement, a nap sounded like heaven as long as he didn't have to do so alone, he wasn't looking forward to the nightmares he knew were coming.

The group came to a muttered consensus that nobody else had any better ideas of a safe place. The others that weren't badly wounded worked to clean up the place and make some spots for people to sleep and found food. I would've gotten ready to go claim one of the beds with Eddie if not for the whirring blades of a helicopter approaching from the distance.

Eddie tensed up fearing the worst and I squeezed his hand shaking my head

"It's ok, if it's who I think it is, we're gonna be fine"

Grabbing one of the discarded shotguns the group had brought back from the upside down I cocked it, ensuring that it was loaded and got up from the couch.

"I'll be right back, Eleven come with me, if it's good your gonna want to be there if it's not then I'll shoot the fuck out of anyone who tries anything"

Eddie ran his hand across his face sighing furiously glaring down at himself as he tried to get up, his legs had no strength left so without help he was going nowhere. He knew Red could handle herself but he hated being the one hiding once again.

Smiling back at Eddie I blew him a kiss earning a small smile in return before opening the door and leading Eleven out and onto the porch.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now