Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Fortunately the rest of the night passed fairly uneventfully as the two were gifted with some much needed dreamless sleep. Eddie was woken from his peaceful cocoon of soft skin and the sound of her heartbeat under his cheek by something tickling his feet. Moving his leg he shook his foot thinking it was a fly or something until he felt something sharp like little needles in his toes and he jumped.

"The fuck??"

His confused grunt woke me and I mumbled sleepily "s'going on e..ddie..?" Reaching down to grab for him I noticed his weight wasn't the same on my chest and I blinked blearily at him. He was sitting up, focused on something at the end of the bed.

"Aha...there's the little alarm clock.."

Brows furrowed in confusion I blinked the rest of the sleep out of my eyes and looked over at him trying to clear my vision until he moved closer with something in his hands.

"Ohh the little one..d'almost forgot.." I said with a sleepy giggle as I flailed my left hand around on the nightstand before finding my glasses and putting them on turning the tiny thing from a fluffy blur to a fluffy kitten in his hands who was mewing and batting at his fingers, clearly the little one was feisty. Eddie was utterly captivated as he watched the little kitten bounding around on his hands and the bed pawing at any form of movement.

I would never tire of seeing Eddie so in love with the little fluffball, I'd be jealous of the attention if it wasn't so adorable. Reaching out I stroked his back running my nails down his spine as I enjoyed the sight in front of me and the visible shiver as my nails hit his skin.

Turning around his eyes sparkling as he looked at the little kitten currently biting one of his rings laid down back beside me placing the kitten on the bed between us. "Just look at her! We're keeping her you know that right??" He gave me a look showing he hoped that wasn't up for debate.

Nodding eagerly I tweaked his nose with a grin as I reached out to run my nails down the kittens back instead earning rumbling purrs from the little puffball.

"Of course we're gonna keep her, as long as she doesn't hog -all- of the attention.." I teased as I kept stroking the kitten who was arching into my hand and butting against my side clearly desperate for more affection.

So focused on the little waif I didn't notice Eddie had moved until his hand held my chin pulling my gaze to meet his. Those brown eyes of his were indescribable, dark and intense filled with pure joy and want. "Are you jealous of this little kitten?"

I flushed giggling as the kitten felt the attention swaying away from them started crying and nibbling at my fingers, turning my gaze back towards Eddie I swallowed just losing yourself in those eyes for a moment before I managed a reply "hmmm as long as she doesn't get alll of the attention I'll be fine..not gonna lie though.. I've always been a bit..possessive"

Releasing me and scooping up the kitten Eddie moved her to the other side of the bed before pouncing, he went from the bedside to on top of me before I could think. His lips captured mine, biting them demanding entry his tongue dominated my mouth pulling whimpers and moans from me as I clung to his back, legs tangling together I was lost in his embrace.

When he'd heard possessive and saw the look of want and hint of jealousy in Red's eyes he couldn't resist. Growling against her lips he moaned nipping at them before moving his attention to her neck, his kisses turning to bites leaving little red marks each one as he went punctuated by her moans and cries for more.. and please.. as her nails once more dug into his back legs wrapping around his thin waist now dragging him closer to her center, his length grinding against her core.

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