Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Eventually the relief of being held overrode my fear and I hugged Eddie back my voice soft against his neck. "I'm sorry Eddie..I shouldn't have kept it from you..I understand if you're mad at me"

Eddie shook his head as he pulled me closer in his arms tucking his head against my neck "I'm not mad...Christ..Red..I didn't know that he was being tortured by the town like that..for something neither of us did...I'm...shit... I'm glad you sent Murray into town to get him."

Kissing my way down his neck I was so relieved that he wasn't upset. Thinking of something to cheer Eddie up I remembered my conversation with Robin outside. "So I broke Robins brain when I was on the porch...pretty sure it's gonna take a while for her to recover."

Eddie pulled back just enough to stare at me confusion clear on his face, he certainly wasn't expecting me to say something like that after our whole misunderstanding. "You did..what? how?"

Giggling at his confusion I answered "Yep I broke her brain, I..erm..I asked her how upset you were with me..on a scale of 1 to me never seeing you naked again.."

Eddie went through a gamut of expressions in just a few seconds, shock, confusion and blushing then desire. Stroking my hair away from my face he managed to ask "that's what you were worried about, that you'd never see me naked again?"

Reaching out to tangle my hand in his curls I nodded wobbling my head slightly "yeaaa..that really wasn't the only thing I was worried about but it was what my brain managed to ask...sarcasm and insanity in a crisis are kind of my trademarks..that and panic...lots of panic.." I added as I flushed "I promise Eddie, I love you for so much more than your naked body.."

Eddie chuckled at that, pulling me closer again in his arms capturing my lips with his, the kiss deep but perfect like coming home, it said what he couldn't; how grateful he was, how much he loved me and sorrow for the fight that didn't happen but kind of did. The two would've stayed like that had I not heard something.

Backing up I put my finger to Eddie's lips as I tilted my head this way and that trying to hear whatever it was as that I'd heard, wiggling my ears to try to catch the sound I heard it again, an engine.

Grabbing the shotgun in one hand I tossed a pistol to Eddie before heading out on the porch the two of us crouched at the ready watching over the banister of the porch.

The two stayed like this for what felt like forever, my eyes swiveling from side to side not sure if what I'd heard was a car or not. Before too long I heard the sound of tires thudding and rolling on the rough terrain, it certainly sounded like it could be the car.

My heart thudded in my chest as I watched the road carefully ready to fire at a moments notice.

Suddenly a car was visible and I strained my eyes focusing I shouted "It's them! I can see them!" Setting the shotgun aside I hugged Eddie tight who hugged me back just as tightly, letting go I bounced around excited, so relieved that I had saved another person.

Eddie chuckled as he watched Red bouncing around like a little kid before looking up at the car that had finally pulled up and parked. Doors opened and the two much anticipated adults came out.

I was prepared for Eddie to go over and see his Uncle alone but he surprised me by lacing his fingers with mine and pulling me alongside as he walked down the steps and towards his Uncle who stood there eyes wide.

Waving shyly I spoke up "Hi...I'm glad you made it here safely Mr. Munson...or Uncle Wayne...umm er.. I'm Tinuviel...but please call me Red.."

Chuckling and shaking his head at Red's stammering Eddie walked closer to his Uncle his steps slowing "Hey...sorry...I..shit..I'm sorry that you've had to deal with all this Uncle Wayne.."

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now