Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Finally clothed and fully starving the two of them grabbed the coffee and the kitten and left their cozy room. Jim and Joyce were sitting comfortably on the chairs around the kitchen table sipping coffee and clearly enjoying the peace and quiet. Seeing the living room was still fairly quiet the kids (Mike, Jane, Dustin, Steve, Robin, Will, and Argyle) (the others Nancy and Jonathan are in one of the bedrooms, Murray passed out on a sleeping bag in the corner) still sleeping as the two sat down on the few chairs in the kitchen area. Looking over at the sleeping group and then back I asked softly "what time did they pass out?"

Joyce looked me over with a knowing smile at the red marks on my neck before glancing over at the sleeping teenagers "everyone had a long night, it took them a while to wind down I think with being in a new place and everything that's happened..did you two have a good night?"

Thinking back I nodded before remembering the nightmare, it's darkness like the vines still crept at the edge of my subconscious.

Eddie frowned at my lack of reply until he too remembered the nightmare that may have been Vecna. Settling down into the armchair nearby he pulled me down into his lap, his arms and legs pulling me close. Eddie's warmth gave me the courage to remember that darkness again and answer.

"Yea.. it was a good night aside from what we're pretty sure was a Vecna attack...we kicked his ass but.." Eddie pulled me closer as he added "it was too close"

Joyce and Jim shared a look clearly disturbed by the fact that he'd attacked so soon after they'd just found a bit of safety.

Jim spoke up as Joyce placed another cup of coffee and one of orange juice in front of the two, I snagged the orange juice sipping it gratefully. "The kids mentioned you've got some type of abilities like what El has, is that right? Maybe something to help us while we rally and get ready to fight back?"

Sighing heavily I nodded switching to the coffee taking a long sip.. if it came down to it I really didn't think I had much to offer magically against someone like Vecna. Looking up to meet Jim's eyes I couldn't help but smile, he was such a good guy and loving father I was glad to get to meet both he and Joyce.

"I'll do my best though I think I'd stand a better chance with a bow..or crossbow...decent shotgun or me a chance to avoid being crushed like a tin can.." I added with a wry laugh, Eddie's arms tightened around me reflexively he nearly vibrated with fear at the thought of me ending up like Chrissy and here I was just stating it like it was nothing.

Sighing guiltily I took his ringed fingers in mine twining them together and kissed them before tilting my head back to nuzzle into the crook of his neck, I knew triggering his fears however accidentally wasn't something I could just apologized for.

Eddie's pulse pounded in his ears at the thought of seeing Red end up in a broken heap of limbs like his nightmare flashed unbidden across his eyes, feeling her lips against his, her hand her skin against his as she cuddled into him helped but he still fought to clear the image from his mind.

Thinking of the goofiest cutest way I could to distract him I pinned his thumb with my own beginning the age old rhyme "1 2 3 4 I declare a thumb war.."

Both Jim and Joyce furrowed their brows in confusion as I continued until Eddie fought back, his agile fingers giving him an advantage until he had my thumb pinned. The simple action had loosened his tense shoulders and calmed his heart rate. Hugging him til he went oof and tickled my sides his fingers digging into my ribs I relaxed relieved that I'd helped get him out of the pain of those thoughts. Looking back over to the couple I grinned at how they sat, knees touching savoring the intimacy clearly relieved at being reunited.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now