Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

Eddie felt her pulse race under his fingertips and glanced over to see Lucas glaring over at me, misplaced rage clear on his face. His own temper flaring at the thought of anyone starting shit with Red after all that she had done and continued to do for the group, but he held back watching her response, unable to hold back the urge to grin at her veiled threat.

Robin, Steve, Argyle and Jonathan watched on, a mixture of horror and curiosity showing on their faces as they looked between Lucas and Red.

Nancy, Dustin and the other younger teens were torn between their own distress and fear over their own families, aside from Eleven who'd remained lost in her own thoughts still feeling the weight of her renewed guilt over her self imposed failures after this latest development, in her eyes she'd created Vecna to begin with.

Jim looked like he might intervene but was holding himself back, Red was a grown adult and even in her clearly weakened state could handle a discussion with a teenager, albeit a hostile one.

Uncle Wayne had a similar expression to Eddie's, a mix of anger and curious amusement. The desire to protect and speak up for Red should she need it coming to the surface but he held off seeing that even in spite of the earlier heated discussion between them, both Red and Eddie clearly had it covered.

Erica still lost in her grief holding on to Lucas, she didn't appear to hear what was going on or notice as his anger built at Red's somewhat flippant response. "Oh, you're 'all ears?' Good. Then hear this. You knew about this, didn't you! You knew what was going to happen to the people in town, to our parents, our families! And what the fuck are you doing to fix it? Building barriers, setting traps, doing martial arts like we're the Karate Kid or something! We could've gotten them somewhere safe! We could've gone back in and killed Vecna or done anything other than just hanging out here!"

I couldn't hold in the derisive laugh that left my lips at the grief filled rant that left him. Sure a part of me wanted to take him out to the woodshed and put him over my knee for talking to me like this but I knew that he tended to be a hot head in these situations.

Nodding my head about a bit as I mulled over what I wanted to say, clicking my tongue against my teeth I detangled my hands from Eddie's knowing I enjoyed talking with them especially when I lost my temper. As I turned in his embrace to face Lucas, smiling as Eddie's arms wrapped around my middle, his head nestled in the crook of my neck as he leaned in whispering against my skin to remind me of his support. "Here if you need me sweetheart."

Nodding and nuzzling back into him with a soft "thank you love," I turned my attention back towards Lucas my eyes sparkling in the light allowing the adrenaline from the anger to override the last hints of the migraine as I spoke.

"Ok.. alright kid, you wanna have it out? Let's. Yes I knew that the town wasn't going to last, and how did I know that?

The same fucking way that you did, when Nancy saw it and told all of you!

I didn't know for sure how the town was going to go bottoms up, I've had visions but I also get nightmares and ex-fucking-scuse me for not being able to tell what's a prescient vision and what's a good-ole fashion trauma bonanza!

So I've done what I can, offered suggestions and guidance to help prevent future heartache for this group of people. A group that I care so fucking much for, that through some bit of magic and who knows what else I begged to and managed to come here.

I was plucked out of my goddamn bed, away from my wife in my reality and dropped into this one to save Eddie and help the rest of you!

I'm not the only one here and am certainly not in charge, if anyone had any better ideas or disagreed they've had plenty of chances to say so."

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