Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Joyce nodded with a smile as she poured more waffle batter on the iron while Jim was plating the others. Eddie brought the two of us over to the couch to sit smiling as they made room for the two of us between Dustin and Steve, Robin at Steve's right side, the other teens scattered between mattresses and other seats on the couch Wayne sat comfortably on what was now his recliner.

Greetings of 'good morning' spread through the room even though it was clearly late in the evening. Nuzzling back into Eddie's chest who nodded gratefully when Steve helped with a pillow to support my back. Now somewhat comfortable the two of us looked around the room. There was a few scattered yawns and sleepy eyed faces around the room showing that the two of us weren't the only ones who'd taken a much needed nap.

I had to force myself not to laugh when I noticed Dustin nearly bursting with some big secret, grinning his knees bouncing with excitement looking like a kid on Christmas morning.

Taking Eddie's hand in my own I squeezed it and pointed at Dustin, tilting my head back to whisper against his neck "if we don't ask Dustin 'whats up' he might explode.."

He chuckled warmly and I couldn't help the pleased shiver that followed as it vibrated through where we touched, you never tired of that laugh.

Nudging Dustins leg " that excited for waffles or something? What's going on in that head of yours, better not be Vecna cause we don't have any music in this place" he said with heavy suffering sigh about the lack of music and I nodded, for all that it had; no music was a high price to pay.

Shaking his head Dustin rolled his eyes with a smirk "no, not Vecna-" turning his attention towards me he pointed to a basket on the table "we worked together and found the herbs and crystals you asked for, even found some belladonna..Lucas spotted it and thought it might help."

Eddie spoke up before I could concern clear "belladonna!? As in deadly nightshade?! Don't think that stuff will help unless Red's turning into a werewolf or's been poisoned..otherwise that shits pretty toxic isn't it?"

Dustin opened his mouth to explain but I reached over gently and squeezed his wrist with a smile and a shake of my head. Turning my attention back to Eddie I took his hand in mine, "Don't worry it can be very toxic but that's only if it's consumed. It actually helps in rituals and spells for increasing energy which is a really good thing-" my voice pitched into a squeak towards the end as I realized what I'd almost blurted out and I swallowed hard hoping nobody noticed.

I hadn't realized just how much ambient noise there had been until I stopped speaking having realized what I'd almost said. The room went silent, more then a few confused expressions were aimed at me...cursing under my breath. I knew once they found out the little secret I'd been hiding that there was going to be at the very least a worst..I didn't know if I could handle that thought.

Slowly reaching out to the basket I started to look through the herbs, I hoped it might be enough of a distraction that attention would go elsewhere. That was until Eddie's hand extended over my own lacing his fingers with mine and pulling it back towards the two of us as his warm voice called to me the pitch lower, concern clear. " were saying sweetheart?..I know that voice.."

Sighing heavily knowing I didn't have a lot of time before the rest of the room jumped me to get the truth out, "fine...I'll tell you..but first can I get that joint please?"

It was like the pressure changed in the room as even Joyce, Jim and Murray had stopped working in the kitchen and were watching curiously.

Eddie reached down into his pocket and grabbed the joint handing it to me, "don't go too heavy on it..not until we eat..don't want your blood sugar to tank.."

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