Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Lucas jumped tossing the book to the floor as he woke with a start, his heart pounding. He panted gasping for air, it felt like he hadn't taken a breath in forever. His eyes impossibly wide as he looked around for what had woken him, he saw Red first and confusion filled his features until Robin patted his shoulder again trying to get his attention. "'s's Robin.."

Moving to sit on the end of the bed I watched Lucas warily, I still didn't have that feeling like before but my gut told me that this rescue couldn't and wouldn't be so smooth as to have nothing go wrong. Trying to soften my expression so I didn't set the kid further on edge I watched Robin as she tried to figure out just who the two of us were working with.

Robin grabbed a second chair and sat next to Lucas her movements slow and purposeful she didn't want to startle him. "Hey are you feeling Lucas?.." she didn't want to out and out ask him 'so uh you possessed or anything?' But how the hell else was she supposed to do it?

Confusion still ruled his face as he stared at the two of them and then back down at Max his eyes softening guilt clear in them as he watched her slow even breaths.

I sighed, I didn't have time to wait for Robin to stumble her way through this, every second I spent there was a chance for this plan to go to shit. Digging through my expansive memory of the show that had turned out to be so much more I turned my attention back to Lucas. Softening my voice as much as I could I asked "Lucas, I've got a question for you ok? When you were younger which ghostbuster did you dress up as for Halloween?"

Robins eyebrows rose confusion clear on her face as she waited for the answer since she didn't know him at that point. But she knew that the mindflayer could read minds and figured that an older simple memory was harder to dig into so it seemed like a good question.

It felt like forever until he finally answered. "Peter Venkman..why the hell are you asking? What are you doing here Robin and who the hell are you?" His last question was directed towards me and I smirked. It was him alright. His suspicion increased as I smiled at him so familiarly.

Enjoying the rare joy of being able to use such a reference "welp I may not be Princess Leia but I'm here to rescue you, the names Red and well Robin and I..we've got to get you the fuck out of here."

Lucas looked down at Max his hand laced with hers "I can't leave her..and why would you need to rescue me?"

Impatience creeping in as I spotted the flocks of demobats getting larger outside I cringed as I answered knowing the blunt option was all I had left with my limited patience and exhaustion. "Because shit is getting dangerous as fuck out, also Vecna decided to make you a meat puppet last night to try to get information."

His eyes widened as he attempted to process this, he looked around and saw the dented walkie on the floor that had clearly been tossed after the 'conversation' he then glanced out the window and shivered seeing that I was right, that the differences between Hawkins and the Upside Down were rapidly shrinking. Once more staring desperately at Max his hand tightening on hers I sighed heavily running a hand through my tangled curls. "Goddamnit Lucas!...gods give me patience..."

Robin interjected before I could lose what was left of my sanity, "Lucas I get it ok, I wouldn't want to leave if I were you but you can't do anything for her like this...she's not even in there right now. The sooner we kick Vecna and the Mindflayer's ass to the curb the sooner she should come back."

I could see the thoughts crossing his face, the guilt and finally acceptance as he nodded and I ran my hand down my face relief clear. "Alright now lets get the fuck out of here before our luck runs out" reaching over I tugged Robin aside to give Lucas some privacy to say goodbye to Max. We both heard his soft promise to save her. He tucked her favorite book into her hands before following the two of us out.

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