Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

As the two of us made it to our room and shut the door I began undressing immediately needing to be comfortable, between the stress and smoking I was overheated. I winced gasping and stumbling slightly as I stepped out of my pants, soreness from earlier reminded me of the joy and passion from before. I hadn't been sore like this since horseback riding in middle school. Smirking I giggled to myself, I didn't notice Eddie giving me a side eyed look.

"You alright? The high hit you that hard?" He had started undressing as well enjoying the way my eyes lingered and cheeks flushed as I stared eyeing him up and down.

Nodding as I finished stripping off the rest of my clothes, I was fighting with my bra it had gotten tangled with my hair and necklace and I fought with it as I answered "yea, it hit me a little bit but mostly I was remembering that I'm uh more than a little sore from earlier" I grinned at the memory before angrily struggling to detangle myself and sighing in frustration "..and then I remembered why I'm sore. The whole Vecna mess had almost made me forget..just another reason for me to kick his ass, trying to ruin a day like this"

It took Eddie a minute to process what Red had said and what she meant by being sore until she lifted her hair from her neck exposing the collection of hickies from earlier in the Sex Shed. He flushed as the images of earlier, her moaning and panting underneath him flashed behind his eyes, at just how incredible that moment was. He would have continued savoring the flashbacks if she hadn't wobbled to the point where she nearly fell on her ass before cursing and finally asking for help in a small voice.

Shaking his head with a smile his curls swaying as he reached out, his deft fingers gently detangling hair and necklace from bra hooks. "I've got ya sweetheart" finally free my bra snapped into my hand and I hissed shaking my hand tossing it on the floor glaring at it earning more laughter from Eddie before he pulled me into his arms. "So are you going to defeat Vecna before or after your bra?"

Narrowing my eyes I jabbed a finger into his side earning a giggle as I hit a ticklish spot with surgical precision. "Keep it up and I'm gonna sit on you and tickle you til you can't

move" his own fingertips danced across my sides in retaliation making me squirm and whine "no fairrrrr!"

Eddie chuckled as he hugged me close enjoying the feeling of my skin against his as I snuggled into the crook of his neck. "Mmm never getting tired of this, of holding you..could stay like this forever."

A sobering thought crept it's way through my high and I worried my lip between my teeth. I hugged him back tightly before sighing knowing that if I didn't say anything now I'd lose my nerve. "Eddie..I know your going to hate this before I say it...but I have a plan.. about Lucas.." I cringed as his arms tensed around me just picturing his response to my plan had my heart pounding in my chest.

Sighing heavily Eddie nodded as he kissed my shoulder before resting his forehead there, "ok..I'll listen..probably wont fucking like it..but I'll listen.."

Taking a steadying breath I gently backed up enough to meet his brown eyes with my own, cupping his cheek with my ringed hand I smiled "C'mere love lets get cozy in bed and then we'll talk." Running my thumb along his lip I smiled letting out a little sigh of relief when he smiled back albeit not his full grin it still made me feel better. Slipping off my pants and underwear I pulled the covers back and slipped into the bed with a sigh enjoying the sight of Eddie slipping off the rest of his clothes as well before curling under the covers, wrapping himself around me.

Pulling his arms into my own I idly stroked his hands gaining confidence from the simple distraction. "I uh...I'm going to go and rescue Lucas, myself...the hospital will think I'm related to Max with my hair color..nobody will be looking for me...I can get him out of here and get him back safe..and if something goes wrong I'll fight and do what I can to make it back safe.."

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now