Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

The noise I'd made in response could barely be classified as human. I just wanted to have my hair in a braid.. how did it fucking backfire and get me all hot and bothered all at the same time?

He gave another gentle tug of my braid reminding me that I'd yet to answer his question, stubbornly narrowing my eyes I glanced up at his face still covered in a satisfied smirk. "" I weighed my options: I could either fight him on this and potentially actually hurt his feelings or I could admit that I did like it.

Watching Red carefully, Eddie worried that maybe he'd pushed her too far, his grip on her braid loosening his other hand tracing it's way down her side stroking her waist through the t-shirt.

Sighing I finally conceded a pout on my lips "fine..yes...didn't think that I'd like it cause of how sensitive my scalp is...but yea.."

Releasing my braid to swing down and fall on my backside Eddie wrapped me into his arms hugging me tight; he relaxed slightly when I hugged him in return. "M'sorry if I pushed you too far alright?" I nodded nuzzling against his neck breathing in his scent combined with the conditioner that the group had gotten for the guys, allowing it to ground me. It had that earthy, old spice like smell. "Yea...not even sure how to explain it, things like that... finding little things that push my buttons when I didn't even know that they existed makes me get defiant and kinda's hard to explain..shit could be all the times people have pulled my hair when I wore it like this in's one of the reasons I know it makes a decent weapon."

The first bit made sense, having someone expose a kink or turn on that you were unaware of can be overwhelming especially for someone who's had trauma that left them with trust issues. The second part infuriated him even as much as much as he wasn't surprised. "Pervy fucking right to touch you like that. Glad that you didn't let em get away with it." Nodding I hugged him back just as tightly enjoying how protective and concerned as he was, I could feel it in the way his hands clenched slightly in my shirt at my lower back. "Don't worry baby...nobody touches me that I don't want..ever again"

Eddie's heart clenched an odd mix of reassured and gut wrenching fear at Red's words. He had a sinking feeling that her words were referring to more than just having had her hair touched by creepy people in public. Between the fact that Vecna had clearly found so much trauma in her past to tear her apart and hold her prisoner last night, and her protective nature, it was just a lot of little things. Part of him wanted to ask, to fill in those blanks, but now wasn't the time and the bathroom certainly wasn't the place..damnit why was he so desperate to know right now? Pulling away from her embrace he took her hand in his and led her out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom that they shared.

I blinked more than a little confused as to why the two of us were going backwards until it clicked. Shit..well I'd meant to tell him at some point..guess now was as good as any.

Eddie pulled me over to the edge of the bed to sit beside him, his brows furrowed, dark eyes were clearly full of worry and a bit of guilt. I knew he wanted to know, but was afraid I'd get upset with him for asking. Sighing I took his hand in mine and pulled it to my lips kissing it before placing it in my lap holding it with my own soaking up the comfort he gave like a sponge. "Eddie..sweetheart is this because of what I said..? Cause yea.. I've had men touch me that I didn't want..when I didn't want them to. Well it was just the one..aside from the ones grabbing my braid, I was going to tell you at some point but it's not really something that comes up easily in conversation."

His other hand that wasn't already in her grip gently came around my waist, his fingertips stroking her lower back through through her shirt. He figured the best thing he could do was just be there and let her get it out, after all it was his fault that she was all but dragged into this before she was ready to talk.

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