Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Back at the cabin I grabbed the key from the front door much to the confusion of Dustin and Steve who had spotted the two of us coming back up on the porch.

"You two lovebirds going some place? We were just getting ready to help Hopper with the defenses." Steve asked his brow arched.

Eddie nodded eager to go solve the mystery of the shed, he spoke up before I could "yea we spotted another shed further back in the yard and wanted to see what's inside, we hoped the key for the cabin might work."

"Don't forget about the Cheval De Frise, we should tell Hop about those" I added more than a little excited to see such a thing here in a modern setting.

Dustins eyes widened "Wait..we're building a spike trap?? Like a real one? That's fuckin awesome!"

I grinned and walked over to Dustin, and looked him straight in the eye "oh my gods..I can't believe that you know what that is! You are so fucking smart! Dustin Henderson, I'm so proud to be your Dungeon Mama"

He flushed as Red grabbed him and hugged him close squeezing him til he "oofed" before releasing him. "You may be a bit of a know it all, but honestly I can relate..I've been called that and more too many times."

Eddie and Dustin blinked surprised, he hadn't known that about Red, that the two of them had that in common. Sputtering a bit as he recovered from her sudden compliment and remembered what caused it "so are we really going medieval in these defenses?"

I nodded smirking as I looked over the yard brainstorming as I did. "I was thinking we set up those both tripwire and standard every 10-20 ft or so in roughly a quarter mile-line of sight perimeter around the cabin. This way if shit goes pear shaped we have a way to slow them down.. wish we had some mines to put down or something similar.."

The group stared at Red gobsmacked as she continued...

"We should have some type of way to lookout from a distance too, like a ladder maybe? Wonder if there's one in the generator shed..that way we could get on the roof and keep watch."

Sputtering Steve spoke up "ok so are we just gonna ignore the fact that you are talking about land mines...? land MINES, Shit you really aren't letting anything get through are you?"

My eyes hardened, memories of seeing Eddie on the ground blood oozing from his mouth as the show faded to black flashed unbidden across my eyes as I bit my lip enough to draw blood.

Taking a deep breath I shook my head firmly, "No, I'm really not letting anything get through, I'm going to do my part in keeping us all safe...from Vecna..from the Mindflayer..from all of that shit..and then once I'm sure we don't have to worry about attack here? We're going to get ready, armed to the teeth.. and take the fight to him and when we're done there wont be anything left of him to hurt anyone."

I barely felt Eddie's hand tangling his ringed fingers with my own as my blood pounded in my ears.

Eddie felt Red's heart pounding at her wrist as he held her, he knew the desperation she felt and why she felt it. Seeing Jim come out with what looked like the tools to make tripwires and other things he knew the defenses were in good hands. Remembering the key and that there could be helpful things inside the mysterious shed.

"Hey, come on my fierce Warrior Goddess lets go see if we can get in that shed and solve the mystery"

I sighed squeezing Eddie's hand smiling I was grateful for his support, "yea, they're might be something in there that can help."

Heading back towards the shed the silence of the woods ate at me, never good at keeping thoughts to myself when someone I cared for was around, I needed to vent. "When I think of what that asshole has done to this damned reminds me of all the trauma and bullshit...makes me wanna kill something.."

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