Chapter 98

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I'm still writing. I still try for at least a sentence a day but I've got a lot going on in my personal life and it's been hard to function let alone write. Please don't give up on me or this fic. I've got part of (almost half?) of 98 written. If I can il try to get a chapter out this weekend. Just wanted to give you all and update.

thank you for hanging in there.3/12 still alive and not giving up on writing just super overloaded. I wrote a little bit this week. So please keep waiting. I know I'll have a chapter out before the end of the month at least. That should be a doable goal.

3/22I will try to do more writing here in the next few days if I can and I'll put it towards the next chapter so I can go back to posting 1/wk. Things are starting to look up and while there's a lot going on in my life I'm still in love with this story and it will get told.Thank you all so much for being so utterly patient with me.

Chapter 98

It felt like forever...numerous attempts of calling his name softly, stroking and running my fingers through his curls, before Eddie finally snapped out of whatever place he'd gone to, and started melting into my embrace. Relief finally sunk in and his head fell to rest against my shoulder, right before he finally did, I saw that his lips had been moving nonstop to mouth the word 'please'.

Tears gathered and fell from my eyes as my heart broke at the realization, blinking them away I focused instead on Eddie and relieving his pain. Pulling him closer I rocked him back and forth slowly in my arms murmuring reassurances between soft kisses against his shoulder and haphazard curls. After a few minutes of this, he'd fully calmed and his arms wound around and held me tightly at my waist clearly feeling better and grateful for the support as he murmured "thanks you"

Nodding, I whispered a soft reply of "love you too baby" as I basked in the relief that he gave off, I continued to hold Eddie like that for a while until the sound of Uncle Wayne speaking, cut through. I heard the words "yea.. Warren'd said her name was Terry...Terry Ives if I remember correct.." and they rang through my head like a bell. Shaking my head I laughed marveling at the insanity of the situation. It's one thing to have a theory, but it's another thing entirely to have it proven right in front of you.

Nuzzling in I kissed Eddie's cheek before lifting my head from his shoulder. I looked once more between the two of them and smiled. "So it's really true, you're siblings. Well..half. But that doesn't make it any less valid in my book." My voice cracked a bit as I said that, seeing dried tear tracks on his cheeks, evidence of the pain of what had to have been agonizing from the flashback Eddie had gone through just a few moments earlier.

Letting those words sink in, Eddie sat up and kissed my forehead, he tucked me against him, holding me closer in his arms in the place he'd held just a moment before. He couldn't resist looking over at Eleven, taking in her features like he'd never seen her before. Her brown eyes really did mirror his own, her cheekbones reminded him of a face that was blurry and barely there, but he could see it in a memory of what he thought might have been his mother. His hand reached out before he knew it and tentatively took Eleven's in his own.

"Hey..." a questioning look answered him and he smiled and added "Always wanted a little sister.."

Eleven's cheeks flushed as she contemplated that, her desire to feel wanted and a part of a family. Not just a friend and different than her relationship with Will. After all of this time she finally had a big brother, a sibling.

With Will being her own age, and being so distracted since they'd moved to California and Jonathan busy always hanging out with Argyle; she really didn't feel like either of them were what she'd seen a brother be like. She'd seen Lucas with his little sister, Nancy and Mike and then of course there was Billy and Max..each relationship so different so she didn't fully know what to expect.

But when they'd arrived she'd gotten to meet Eddie. The familiarity of his brown eyes and curls that matched her own, how he'd always watchful over Red, how he was with Dustin and Mike and the others in hellfire club. his love and devotion was impossible to miss. She found that she wanted more than ever to know what it felt like to have such a caring person, one she'd often heard from Mike would jump to anyone's defense that needed it, someone willing to fight to defend her, looking out for her in that way.

Eleven's thoughts were clearly interrupted the way she jumped with a start when I reached out and ruffled the hint of short curls that had just started regrowing and called out to her "guess what El? This means we're sister-in-laws!" At Elevens confused expression I continued "so since your Eddie's little sister and he and I are married that makes you and I sisters!" My eyes widened as I realized just how far this development extended "oh shit..that means Jim Hoppers technically my father-in-law.. does that make Joyce my mother-in-law? And I've got Uncle Wayne as my father-in-law. Nice! I married into all of the good family."

Eddie's warm laughter vibrated us both where we touched and I giggled, my arms weaving around his waist hugging him tight as he nodded "we all got lucky". Grinning I tilted my head up to kiss my way along his jaw savoring how he leaned into my touch "of course I did. I got you and Jin, and you've got the both of us." I hummed in agreement before burrowing into the nape of his neck and allowing the truth of his words to sink in. We really did get lucky. Sure we've got some tough shit ahead of us but we're really damn lucky and having that to fight for..we can't lose."


4/21 so personal lives strike once more taking my ability to function. Autism burnout and sudden career changes have taken every bit of energy I have. Hoping for stability here soon so I can write more soon. Please don't give up on me.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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