Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Nodding as I weighed the options before my stomach growled, followed by the kitten twining around both sets of their legs. "Looks like the kitten agrees.. so we've got two votes.." the sound of Eddie's hand slapping my ass echoed in the bedroom..quirking my brow I narrowed my eyes at him

"you are very hard.." I paused to grind against him slightly earning me a nip on my ear "to say no to...but we gotta get dressed.. then when we can..later we'll make the time" his arms tightened around me, he knew that once we left our bubble of this room this may not happen again..old fears re-surfacing against his will.

My purred reply to his unspoken question sent shivers down his spine "I promise"

Brown eyes met mine and I beamed as a bit of sunlight caught them catching the amber hue that I never got to see before I'd ended up here, his brow arched

"whatcha grinning at my lovely lady?"

Blushing I hid my face against his neck I squeaked out a response "your eyes..they have bits of amber in them when the light hits them just right...I never got to see that before..and it's beautiful"

It was Eddie's turn to blush and sputter as his arms held me close, nobody had ever said anything like that before to him.

Giggling at how flustered he'd gotten I stroked his hair wincing at how tangled it was

"We gotta get a brush cause your hair is all sorts of tangled..luckily for you, I -know- hair" running my nails across his scalp delighting in the soft curls "..and I've been wanting to play with your hair since I first saw you..." I added with a whisper against his skin.

Dark eyebrows rose as Eddie pulled back to look at me, shock and curiosity clear on his face. "You like my hair that much?"

I nodded eagerly sighing with delight as I played with his curls "I really really do my love, long curly hair..that bone structure..and those eyes.."my hands traced his cheeks "you make me wish I had my drawing tablet with me"

His cheeks reddened under the attention before tilting his head in confusion "Drawing tablet? Like a sketchbook?"

Giggling I shook my head "not quite, it's actually a computer about the size of a sketchbook but the cool thing is since it's a computer I have unlimited drawing supplies, I draw with a special pen on the screen and it's like using a sketchbook but I can undo things when I make mistakes"

His eyes wide as he listened to me describing technology that I took for granted as normal. "So you draw a lot?"

Nodding I beamed "yep, drew you a lot too, you inspired me..still do"

Looking down he hesitated..worrying his lip in his teeth "would you draw me..without your fancy sketchbook?"

Running my thumb along his jawline I giggled "You want to be my model my dear sweet Eddie? You'd have to sit still for quite a while... are you sure?"

I squeaked as he kissed my thumb and down my palm nipping at the base of my hand "yep" Sighing as I shivered thinking of drawing him, those dark eyes watching me was something I would never have dreamt of a few days ago.

"As soon as we can find some pencils or something and a sketchbook I'll do my best to draw you...just..please..don't judge me if it doesn't come out as's less scary to draw when you have an undo button"

Eddie's smile made my heart skip a beat "I trust you my love, now lets get dressed and feed the 3 of us..though I'll have to get some more underwear for you.." he looked me over like he was savoring a dessert before backing up enough so he could start getting dressed.

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now