Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

I nodded drowsily placing a kiss on his chest "mhm tomorrows gonna be fun..gonna get a good workout before those kids kick my ass sparring.." he chuckled at that before a smirk crossed his lips as a plan came to mind "how about we team up for the sparring, between the two of us they won't stand a chance.."

Imagining the two of us back to back facing off against the group of teens still sounded unfair but we were both good at strategy, it sounded like fun even if we got our asses kicked. "Mm love the idea, wish Jin was here for that cause she's feisty..she's shorter..not sure if I ever mentioned..5 ft she'd take out Dustin and the shorter ones easy"

Eddie couldn't stop the wicked laugh at that image of the three of us against the teens, it was his first peek into his other wife's appearance, he hoped it wouldn't make her sad to think about, but he was curious and wanted to know more. "'ve never does she look..if you don't mind telling me.."

My eyes went soft, tears gathered but did not fall as I pictured my incredibly beautiful wife, "no..I don't mind..and you will see for yourself someday soon but I'll do my best to do her justice.."

Picturing her smile, the way she looked when she was working...or writing...brought me something to eat or how adorable she was passed out for a nap..I swallowed hard before speaking.

"She's got beautiful hair that varies between blue and silver and falls to about her bra strap area..and sometimes it can be purple depending on what color she feels like having it, her natural hair is kinda dark brown similar to yours."

Remembering her tattoos and knowing how much Eddie would love them I continued, "she's got 10 tattoos on various parts of her body, each of them have backstories..shes the one that helped me finally get mine done.."

I could feel the sharp inhale as Eddie hummed clearly impressed and surprised at the number of tattoos, that if you counted each of his individual parts of his own tattoos the two of them were evenly matched.

"She wears glasses like I do, they're a cat eye shape and are kinda dark purple calico pattern?" Thinking back I strove to remember each detail "Her eyes are green but sometimes blue..they change like mine do, umm...she's got a perfect ass..better than mine if I'm honest..I mean she can take someone out just seeing her in the right jeans..though she's had negative attention about that before so she doesn't wear em much..which is a damn shame.."

Eddie's brows rose concern clear about who'd harassed Jin so much that she would hide herself, he was starting to realize that trauma was going to be something he could bond with both of his wives over. He kissed Red's hair encouraging her to continue as each detail helped him to create a mental image of his other beautiful wife.

"Oh and her boobs are ridiculous...she was raised being told that if she didn't do special exercises they would fall flat so she has such worked out chest muscles that they stand up DD size without a bra."

Sighing I shook my head against his chest "It's no wonder I figured out I was bisexual only 2 months of having her in my home as beautiful as she is. She's curvy like I am but carries it better than I do, I think. She's freaking adorable when she sleeps, like illegally so..but snores like a trucker..sometimes."

Moving my hands I reached out to tug his forearm closer and placed a kiss on his wrist before continuing, "She's the kindest..smartest...she brought life into my days when I was barely surviving..Fuck..if I could I'd talk about her forever..but the same can be said about you..before I got here and met you anybody who spoke to me and seemed friendly heard about you at length whether or not they wanted to.. when I love people I tend to obsess and ramble about em...if you hadn't noticed.."

Reaching out he cupped my chin tilting my head back so he could look at me, stroking my cheek with a smile he nodded "I've noticed...hearing you ramble about the things and people you love..the way you lose yourself in that's one of my favorite things about you."

I blushed deeply, the urge to hide my face strong but his gentle hold was stronger so I settled on focusing on his beautiful curls the way they scattered around his face, framing those gorgeous eyes of his, the way the rest of his hair lay draped on the bed around them as he continued.

"Thank you for telling me more about Jin, she sounds incredible..I hope you'll tell me more about her soon..or we'll defeat Vecna and then somehow get back to her so we can meet. Gotta meet this person who was lucky enough to find you first and be willing to share you with me and still loves me herself."

Nodding into his hand I tried and failed to sit up, grateful when he pulled me closer for the kiss I'd been trying to get. It was soft and slow, no rush just gentle kisses that left me diffused with that same warmth that he gave when he shared his energy with me.

I smirked into his lips as I felt a softer version of the combination of a warm blanket in sunlight, espresso and fireball whisky I'd come to associate with his energy when he'd shared it with me before. I was more than a little impressed and aroused by the fact that he'd managed to share it accidentally and the ideas it gave me. I sent back a small ribbon of energy in return pulling his focus back and earning a confused smile in reply as our lips separated.

Giggling at the situation I shook my head before placing another small kiss on his lips "you really are a natural with magic, you were sending me energy just now as we kissed..we're definitely going to have to play around with that.. it can have..other uses for those that have the skill.."

Eddie may be drowsy as hell but that didn't stop him from picking up what Red wasn't saying about energy sharing. Forcing his tired brain to think back he remembered the high that followed both the giving and receiving of energy and thought of how that would feel if they did so during sex and he found himself grateful for just how exhausted he was because the idea was hot as hell and he was thoroughly tempted.

Releasing her cheek he pulled her closer into his arms nuzzling into the crook of her neck he breathed in her scent with a sigh "mmhm we will definitely do just sounds like it would be incredible..but first..sleep, we both need some rest sweetheart.."

Nodding against his shoulder I kissed the skin there before cuddling in soaking up his warmth and scent "sleep..sounds so good..oh..gotta set an alarm for our date." Slowly detangling from his embrace much to both of our chagrin I dragged myself to the edge of the bed to grab my Apple Watch that he'd set there at some point. Holding it up so he could see me open the alarm app as well, I set it before slipping the watch back on my wrist.

Yawning widely I curled up back in my spot against his chest sighing happily as he stroked my hair gathering the curls to toss them across the bed behind me. Kissing the demon tattoo on his chest I yawned again as I mumbled "g'night you s'much"

Shaking his head as Red's yawning spread to him he nodded kissing her curls before cuddling her close his eyelids growing heavier, "goodnight my you too"

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