Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Once it was in sight I was grinning from ear to ear as I recognized the Russian helicopter landing in the clearing near where everyone parked their cars. Eleven still hadn't relaxed she was standing at the ready a few steps behind me. Dropping the shotgun to my side I smiled as I waited for the helicopter to shut down.

Once the blades stopped spinning I beamed as Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers stepped out of the machine and began running towards Eleven who once she recognized them ran as well, the group meeting in the middle of the yard in a tangled embrace of tears and love.

Seeing the Russian guard Dmitri and Yuri and Murray not far behind I raised my brow at them, offering a small wave. Turning around I started to head back towards the cabin until I noticed the pizza delivery van that Will and the others had arrived in.

Remembering Argyle and the type of person he was, I had a hunch and searched the front seats of the van before I found just what I was hoping for. Grabbing the bag in hand I tucked it into my pants pocket, closed the van and went back inside as the group was still hugging in the yard.

Heading inside I smiled at the confused group that had waited for me, setting the shotgun aside I gestured to the door

"There's somebody waiting outside for you guys, While you all reconnect, We're taking a -nap-"

Helping a confused Eddie up, I helped him to lean against me and led him to the bedroom we'd been in earlier and helped him to the bed. His brows were raised in unspoken questions and I smirked at him my face full of mischief at the surprise I'd found for him.

"I've got something for you!"

Eagerly he continued to wait for me to show him, his expression curious but weary. Clearly his energy had wavered to the point that he wasn't much for teasing. Nodding in understanding I pulled out the bag with a few joints and a lighter

"Ta Da!"

He nearly fell off of the bed trying to reach out and take them from me and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Easy there, don't want you tearing open those wounds, of course I'm going to share it with you. I kinda borrowed them from Argyle out there"

His brow quirked, "Ah so the rogue emerges! Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor! I approve entirely."

I giggled as I lit and took a gentle drag of the joint letting the warmth fill my lungs before releasing with a cough

"Fuck.. this purple palm tree delight is strong as hell"

Leaning back on the bed he wrapped himself across my back reaching over to grab the joint eager for some of the relief himself.

"Come on my lady don't hog all the delight to yourself" he said with a laugh as he quickly took a long drag before releasing the smoke with a sigh.

"Damn this shit is smooth... Jonathan is hanging out with some good people"

Nodding I waited for him to take another drag before taking one myself I sighed feeling near bliss as I released a puff of smoke from my lips. Feeling the tingling spread across my skin I knew if I didn't get comfortable soon the joint was going to do it for me.

"Alright my dear Dungeon Master we gotta get comfortable before we end up falling out where we are"

Getting up slowly as the buzz began to affect me more and more I moved to help take his shoes off, checking his legs for any wounds I found a few spots of blood on his jeans but no cuts. Checking his new bandages on his chest they didn't have any signs of fresh blood. Giving him a gentle shove I moved him so he was all the way on the bed and against the wall.

Hopping back up on the bed beside him I kicked my own sneakers off and to the floor, took my glasses off and put them on the nightstand. Taking the joint from his hand I noticed it was a fair bit shorter and rolled my eyes knowing Eddie had been puffing away as I'd been arranging him in bed. Taking another drag of the joint I put it out against the crushed soda can as carefully as I could without destroying it, tucked it back into the bag and put it in my pocket before laying back down on the bed.

Eddie felt incredible, he barely noticed his healing wounds as Red helped him on the bed and moved to join him. This palm tree delight really was some good shit. Allowing the high to settle after he'd taken quite a few puffs he smiled as she took the joint and took another puff for herself before putting it out. She'd even put it out correctly so it could be smoked later, he was impressed. Reaching over he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it before pulling her over encouraging her to get comfortable it was the least he could do after everything she'd done for him.

"C'mere my lady Red, we both need some rest and I'm not letting go of you anytime soon."

Giggling as the high continued to plow it's way through my system I nodded nestling myself under his chin snuggling into his chest.

"Tell you what..this is nothing like delta 8.."

He kissed my forehead in response as he stroked my curls away from my face, asking as he had to know "just what isdelta 8? I've never heard of that strain."

Chuckling as I realized just how different what I was used to smoking was before I'd explained it.

"So marijuana is legal in a lot of states now but not mine, but luckily there's different strains of hemp made stuff which are legal since hemp is legal. They can give you the pain relief and high but it's not quite the same. I didn't have an Eddie back where I'm from to get the real deal from"

Ringed fingers gently tilted my chin back so he could meet my eyes

"You've got me now my lady Red, now try to get some rest I have a feeling we are far from being done with this Upside Down shit"

Nodding I kissed him softly lips curling into a smile when he returned it eagerly, his tongue seeking entrance to my mouth which I gave eagerly as I melted into him with a moan. Finally pulling away when breathing became too much of a necessity. He kissed my hair as I cuddled into his chest catching my breath I inhaled deeply basking in his scent and the comfort it offered, the smell of weed, old books, smoky leather and hints of cinnamon..'perfectly Eddie'.. resting my ear so you could hear his heartbeat I allowed it's calming rhythm to lull me to sleep.

Eddie stroked Red's hair for a while after that allowing his muscles to relax and the bliss to fill him of being comfortable, safe and loved. He couldn't believe his luck, that he not only survived that insane plan, and his own attempt at being a hero but that he'd found someone like his Red.

He would've stayed up just watching her breathe but he knew that he wouldn't be any help if he didn't get some sleep soon. Before long his eyes closed and breathing evened as sleep finally claimed him as well.

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