Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Swinging my bow over my shoulder I docked it on my bow-sling savoring the satisfying click as it hung there perfectly. Walking over I cuddled into Eddie's side careful not to hit him with my bow before asking,

"So.. how'd it go in there, hope they weren't too upset..or scarring.." I winced just imagining the things he might've heard or seen.

Eddie shook his head with a smile as he kissed my forehead and cheeks before sliding his hand under my jacket stroking my lower back enjoying the sigh as I melted into his touch before answering "No..not upset, they handled it well..they were uh.. busy so they'll be out in a few minutes.."

I snorted at the flush on Eddie's cheeks as he said that, sputtering a few times before speaking "I'm so sorry baby.. I..I've seen my own parents before and advise I can give is shove that memory...just try to forget it.." I stammered as I realized the double entendre before frantically changing the subject. I flushed utterly savoring his warm nearly sultry smile as he nodded tracing idle patterns on my lower back, clearly my touch was how he'd decided to erase any unpleasant thoughts.

Shivering as his fingertips teased along my spine I sputtered "So... about moving targets.. was thinking if we used a crossbow, stabbed the bolt through like some cardboard maybe? Not sure what would have enough weight but not too much weight? To be shot into the air and be a target for me to hit? Ideas anyone?"

Dustin who'd set his crossbow aside carefully, before joining the conversation was quick to suggest "maybe like a soda can? Like flattened out? Or thin pieces of scrap metal? That might fly enough to hit."

Wobbling my head back and forth I considered it "that's not a terrible idea..Dustin... could work.." hearing the slam of the cabin door my head perked up seeing a slightly ruffled Joyce and Jim who walked over looking pleased if not a little disappointed to have been interrupted.

Grinning apologetically I waved at them "hey, sorry for the interruption but you two should hear this, honestly I'm surprised Murray didn't catch it but I think he was taking a shot when it happened"

Murray's confused look mirrored the others confirming my suspicions "so I heard Dmitri's voice on the walkie..think I heard him asking for help.."

All but the eldest members of the group looked confused, Murray even more so than Jim and the others " you knew about Kamchatka?? all of it?"

Nodding as I bit my lip knowing just what hell it had been for the three of them, Jim of course in particular. "Yea..which is why I wanted to make sure you three were here when I asked, see some things changed from what I saw to this reality.."

Confused expressions were abound, though Dustin in his ever analytical mind nodded knowing that I'd changed at least one thing if not several others since I'd arrived thus creating a new timeline.

"We never saw Dmitri or Yuri or even the helicopter.. you just arrived in a car that I think was provided by the military just the two of you. I think I know what caused it, not to sound egotistical but I think it was arrival and what I did when I arrived changed a huge thing..I mean shit..I've been changing things left and right.."

I swallowed hard, that day and what almost happened on a dark replay behind my eyes. Between what I had changed and the guilt of everything I hadn't because I didn't show up sooner at war within my mind. Words sticking in my throat I bit my lip enough to draw blood. It took a Herculean effort to force that dark memory of what could have been back into the pit of my gut. It hurt even more remembering that scene with how deeply the connection between us ran, my hands worried on the leather of Eddie's jacket as I tried to ground myself in reality leaving the 'what could have been' in the ether where it belonged; tears gathering in my eyes as I fought to catch my breath.

Eddie's arms tightened around Red's waist holding her close, he knew what she'd changed and felt her pain as if it was his own. He knew how close he'd come to dying that day if she hadn't dropped in and saved him and after having seen her pretty seriously injured he remembered how that fear and pain felt.

Finally able to breathe somewhat normally, tears having escaped and tracked down my cheeks as I finally stuffed my feelings back into the hole for later I breathed deeply once more and managed to continued my thought.

" what I was going to when they left with the helicopter did they mention anything? Any plans? Whatever you can remember because I think for one reason or another that at least Dmitri is stuck here, if not Yuri as well.."

Jim and the others were lost in thought, understandably that day was..intense to say the least and not one easily drudged up for anyone in the group. After a while the three shook their heads nothing significant coming to mind.

My own thoughts raced as I tried to puzzle out the variables. The big question is why would Dmitri still be here, they should have been able to leave before it got too bad.

As if on cue the walkie crackled again, this time a voice that was both familiar and worrying "damnit *crackle* code red! Where are you guys!" Followed up by the same voice from over here "careful not too loud!" And the warning shriek of demobats before the sound cut off again.

Lucas ran over from where he'd been resting after shooting "that was Erica! What the hell is going on?"

Nancy and the other teens came to his side eyes filled with worry as they reached out to comfort him, their own families being out there in town dealing with 'who knows what' giving them a unique connection.

My heart ached for him as I reached out placing my hand on his shoulder through the throng of teens "hey..hey...HEY...look at me" it took several attempts but he finally looked at me his body nearly vibrating with worry clearly wanting to dive into a car and go after her.

"Not quite sure how but we will definitely do what we can to get your sister to safety. Only reason she didn't come with you the day we got you out is that she wasn't there."

He nodded numbly as I continued,

"Now the good news is if she's with Dmitri she's not bad off, just ask Jim, Joyce and Murray they've fought alongside him."

The group nodded Jim reached out and patted Lucas's other shoulder "he's a good guy, he's got a kid about the same age..he won't let anything happen to your sister, plus she's quite a spitfire if I remember correctly."

Both Eddie and I nodded as I tilted my head to rest against his remembering the different times she showed just how fiery she is.

Trying to cover anxiety with action, I knew it was the best defense for the fear and worry running through me. My mind raced as I thought of a rescue mission into territory that was definitely going to be so much more dangerous than before. "Hey we have any big pieces of scrap metal? Steel or tin? Did you find anything like that when you were setting up the perimeter?"

His brows rose as he followed my gaze to the car that had seen better days. "...yea there's parts of what looks like an old shed we can take apart..what are you thinking..?"

A wicked grin crossed my lips as I remembered the tools in the generator shed. "Well first, we're going to answer the call, Erica and Dmitri need us, we're going to find out just where they are and then we're going to turn that 4 door into a fucking tank..and go for a drive to get them."

My hand reached down to my waist to find Eddie's fingers grateful when he laced them with his own, I let go of a breath I hadn't realized I was holding when he squeezed them in return.

Nodding to Lucas who clutched the Walkie in hand, "go ahead just don't give our location..matter of fact if they can have them meet up at the broken down cabin. The Mindflayer already knows that location so it's of no tactical advantage."

Nodding as his eyes stared desperately at the walkie in hand he pressed the button triggering that same static he called out "Applejack, are you's me..over.."

The combination of sass and relief came clearly across in spite of the static "Finally damnit, where the hell have you been hiding Lucas!?"

The Rescue Of Eddie MunsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon