Chapter 352: Pretty Little Princess (pt. I)

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A hall, grand and expansive, dyed by the golden light of the chandeliers. The candle flames burn ablaze as the stars reigned over the night sky. The flames danced along the people, a sweet and peaceful serenade riding the cold nightly breeze.

It was yet another peaceful night, the merry sound of chatter and clatter echoing all throughout the hall as various dishes were served after one another, waiters and servants loitering around the place as they served the grand attendants.

""Haaaahhh......"" [Grey and Yuna]

Yet on such a joyous occasion, two figures couldn't help but heaved a very lengthy and exasperated sigh. The party had just started yet their faces were already riddled with exhaustion, seating themselves along the table as they rested.

"Grey... I want to go to bed already..." [Yuna]

"We can't do that, you know? The Little Princess will be really sad." [Grey]

"Uuu... I know... But I'm so tired, I just want to sleep..." [Yuna]

The reason for the two's exhaustion was none other than the trouble they had to face just this afternoon. It was only a couple hours, but it was the longest couple hours of their lives. They were rushing and panicking, picking out a gift without rest.

Even with the help of the people, it still took them quite some time to pick out gifts which were up to their standards. After all, who wouldn't want to give something more unique and special to their precious Little Princess.

Though, what was troublesome came after that. They were helpful at first, but the moment too many people got involved, things got a little too messy and rowdy with the crowd, things looking like a riot from afar. It was pure and utter chaos.

"Even the knights and soldiers got involved too... I wonder if that was the most trouble we created so far... It was pretty messy..." [Grey]

"Grey, why do you look like you're having fun? It was hell, you know?" [Yuna]

It wasn't just hell, it was extreme hell. The moment the soldiers and knights realized who they were, they also joined in on the fray and things became even more hectic. Thankfully, there were still upstanding knights who managed to resolve the problem.

Yuna also didn't want to just let the people off without repaying them, so she offered to pay them, but rather than money, what they asked for was her signature. There were so many of them, she had no other choice but to (forcefully) drag Grey into the mess she created.

The line wasn't just long, it was super long, Grey and Yuna signing the people's shirts and items one at a time at a snail's pace. Fortunately enough, the time for the party was drawing near so they had a legitimate reason to escape.

Even then, the struggles didn't stop. After getting back to the Filastra mansion, they needed to prepare for the ball. With only a few minutes left for them, they rushed like whirlwinds, wearing their suits and dresses in a matter of minutes.

"Hmm... I already wore perfume and cleaned myself with magic, but I wonder if it's okay... I was a little sweaty, after all." [Yuna]

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's alright. No matter what Yuna looks or smells like, you'll always be the most beautiful lady in my eyes." [Grey]

"Grey... I'm really happy that you think that, but it's not the time for that, you know?  What I'm worrying about is how the Little Princess will react." [Yuna]

"Aww... And here I thought I'll get to make you blush again." [Grey]

"Hehe! Nice try, but I'm not the same woman I was before." [Yuna]

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