Chapter 10

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Qin Qing crouched down with the shawl draped over her shoulders and hanging softly on the floor.

Li Suimo stared at the hair bun on top of her head for two seconds, then suddenly said, "I'm twenty years old."

The two were very close, and Qin Qing could smell the faint scent and energetic, sun-like fragrance emanating from Li Suimo's body.

"Twenty years old," Qin Qing nodded, as if finding it amusing. In her eyes, children at this age still had a lingering childishness about them.

Li Suimo seemed to catch a glimpse of the upward curve of her mouth.

The scent wafted past her, and Qin Qing stood up and composed herself. "Does it still hurt?"

Li Suimo blushed and stuttered, "It's much better...thank you..."

"Don't you want to call me sister?"


Qin Qing only helped her clean up the bloodstains and left the rest to the family doctor who arrived.

Disinfecting, applying medicine, and bandaging were all taken care of.

Aunt Zhong brought Qin Qing a cup of ginger tea with brown sugar.

Qin Qing raised her hand, and the shawl slipped off her shoulder. She covered her nose and reluctantly took the cup.

Because Li Suimo cried so pitifully, she was given a cup of sweet tea.

While holding it, Li Suimo heard Qin Qing ask the doctor, "Will it leave a scar?"

Dr. Lin buried her head in the medicine kit, which contained only anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs.

When she heard her question, she looked up and glanced at Li Suimo's smooth and delicate forehead. "Miss Li has had a previous injury to her forehead, so there should be a special medicine for it. Just apply it regularly."

Li Suimo murmured, and subconsciously touched her own head.

Her mother gave her the medicine, and it did not leave a scar, but those who didn't know wouldn't be able to tell that her forehead had been injured before.

She didn't expect that Dr. Lin, who looked dignified and honest, would also be interested in gossip about herself.

After sending Dr. Lin away, Li Suimo felt too embarrassed to continue crying and howling.

Aunt Zhong said she would stew pork bone soup for her in the evening and went to the kitchen.

The living room suddenly became quiet, and being alone with Qin Qing made Li Suimo feel like even the air was slowing down.


She still didn't like to call Qin Qing "Sister," but it would be awkward to stop halfway through her sentence.

Li Suimo stared at the desk in front of the sofa, blushing, and asked, "Can...can I add you on WeChat?"

Qin Qing didn't say anything and straightened her shawl.

When she saw Aunt Zhong had left, she pushed the red sugar ginger tea in front of her to Li Suimo.

Li Suimo: "..."

The woman glanced at her and said, "Don't you like to drink it?"

She nodded at Li Suimo's empty cup.

Li Suimo had no choice but to pick up the cup, hold her breath, and drink it in one go.

Qin Qing was extremely satisfied and pulled her shawl corner up the stairs.

She exhaled into her palm, and the scent of ginger tea wafted out.

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