Chapter 29

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The city by the sea was often rainy, but this year the rain was not as frequent as before, leaving many areas suffering from severe drought.

"It's raining?"

"The rain this year isn't as heavy as before. Many areas are experiencing severe water shortages."

"That's strange. It either doesn't rain at all or it pours like a dam has burst."

"Hahaha, that's an exaggeration!"

Li Suimo lowered her head and played with her phone.

She looked over at the people around her, and saw that the rain outside was like a curtain, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, even bigger than the day when the female lead handed the umbrella to the male lead.

It seemed like she would be stuck in the company for a while.

The people around her grumbled and complained, and several of them turned around and went back to the company.

As they passed by, they looked at Li Suimo with caution.

—Doesn't the young lady have anyone to pick her up?

Li Suimo called Fu Yanxiao, "It's raining too heavily, don't come."

Fu Yanxiao was stunned on the other end, "Is it raining? It's sunny on West Street."

Li Suimo hummed, "It's pretty heavy. It's dangerous to drive. Don't come."

Fu Yanxiao asked, "How are you going to get home today?"

Li Suimo replied, "I'll go back when the rain stops."

Hanging up the phone, Li Suimo checked her phone calendar again.

A few people whispered nearby, "I heard the overpass is blocked."

"I saw it too. It looks like there's been a car accident!"

"Where? Where did you see it?"

"On social media!"


The elevator arrived, and Li Suimo turned off her phone and got in.

Behind her, a group of people crowded around the door and began to chat.

"Is the car accident serious?"

"Everyone drives slowly on rainy days. It probably isn't a big deal."

"Go home. It's safer to wait until the rain stops."

“Go home? I don't want to stay with that person.”

“You women are so jealous!”

“What's wrong with you? I wasn't talking about her!”

As soon as Li Suimo stepped out of the elevator, she almost collided with Gu Linxi who was stumbling over with her bag.


Gu Linxi's elbow hit the elevator door frame, and her arm turned red and green immediately.

Li Suimo had been prepared and dodged quickly, swinging her waist while holding her skirt. She was unharmed, but the key buckle on Gu Linxi's bag tore a bit on her skirt's waistline.

“Ruined my clothes again?” Li Suimo stopped the elevator door from closing with quick reflexes.

Gu Linxi was slightly stunned.

How could her clothes be so easily torn? It was just a scratch!

Li Suimo said, “I didn't hold it against you last time when you spilled hot coffee, but not this time.”

After wearing the book, I married the male lead sisterWhere stories live. Discover now