Chapter 34

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Fu Yanduo almost thought that Hou Kai was beaten to death.

The place where Hou Kai fell was covered with broken glass.

Several pieces were stuck on his body, and blood mixed with alcohol flowed all over the floor.

At a glance, it looked like a person lying in a pool of blood.

"Damn it!" Fu Yanduo kicked Hou Kai.

Seeing that he was still breathing, he breathed a sigh of relief and then gave him a few strong kicks. "You didn't die, that's good. You tried to mess with my sister!"

Qin Qing helped Li Suimo to sit on the sofa.

She saw bruises and marks all over Li Suimo's body and picked up some clothes from the side to cover her up.

"Cover yourself," Qin Qing said.

"Oh," Li Suimo spoke with a muffled voice, sounding nasal.

She felt embarrassed because she had just cried in Qin Qing's arms. Her ears were hot as she said, "Thank you."

Qin Qing nodded and went to make a phone call.

The doctor and police arrived.

Zhao Yi carried Fu Yanxiao out of one room.

Zhou Kai was accompanied by two police officers, and the three of them talked as they walked.

At this moment, Zhou Kai looked completely different from his usual careless self.

"Yes, I received a phone call... Please make sure the police investigate this matter thoroughly."

"By the way, how did you come so quickly?"

The police casually replied, "We came as soon as we received the call."

Zhou Kai led the police to collect evidence.

They took a look and then heartlessly filmed Hou Kai, who was still bleeding on the ground, with a camera.


"Drug addicts don't deserve pity," Zhao Yi patted Li Suimo's head, indicating that she should move over.

Li Suimo opened her eyes, her eyes still teary.

She moved over a little, and Zhao Yi placed Fu Yanxiao beside her.

Zhao Yi carefully put Fu Yanxiao's head on Li Suimo's shoulder.

"She drank some spiked drink given by someone else," Li Suimo whispered.

Fu Yanduo was cooperating with the doctor and police for questioning.

When she heard this, she sneered, "Are you a princess? And you still need Xiaoxiao to protect you from alcohol?"

Li Suimo remained silent.

"She's allergic to alcohol," Qin Qing just hung up the phone and walked over.

She lifted Fu Yanxiao's head, which was resting on Li Suimo's shoulder, and said to Fu Yanduo, "Don't worry about your sister for now. Wait until she wakes up."

Fu Yanduo was stunned and pointed at Li Suimo, jumping up and down. "Damn it! Even if Xiaoxiao asked her out, so what? In the end, this girl is the one who caused trouble!"

Her finger was almost pointing at Li Suimo's nose.

Qin Qing nodded, grabbed Fu Yanduo's hand, and twisted it hard!


Zhao Yi rubbed her sore shoulder and chatted with Li Suimo, "This girl is really heavy."

Li Suimo glanced at Fu Yanduo, who was crouching and rubbing her wrist in pain, and asked, "How did you guys come?"

After wearing the book, I married the male lead sisterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن