Chapter 143: Rewriting (1)

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Arwen's national address had a significant impact not only in Alvenheim but also worldwide. Although the elves seemed well united on regular occasions, they exhibited signs of division during times of crisis.

This division can be observed not only in the racial war but also within Alvenheim itself, revealing cracks in various places. The cracks are so numerous that they went unnoticed even by the elves themselves, resembling time bombs ready to explode at any moment.

Furthermore, the recent mixed-bloods incident showed signs of further division, but Arwen's speech successfully concluded it and began the process of true unity among the elves.

The content of the speech primarily focused on integrating pure-blooded and mixed-blooded elves, but upon closer examination, Arwen urged the elves to rid themselves of the 'arrogance' that they would miss. Arrogance is considered their true enemy, tarnishing the honor of their ancestors.

Thanks to this, the elves of Alvenheim have been prompted to think deeply, ultimately resulting in significant changes throughout the country.

Naturally, neighboring countries are keeping a close eye on whether Alvenheim will truly become united. Particularly, the human nations were observing, as if the elves achieve unity, it would create various difficulties for humans.

During the racial war, the reason the human side could claim victory was their unity. Despite appearing divided by various political maneuvers and power struggles, they managed to unite.

Moreover, the same can be said for the Devil War 3000 years ago, and even to this day, 'tenacity' and 'unity' are indispensable identities for humans.

Although humans possess innate abilities that are inferior to other races, their unyielding spirit and unity in the face of adversity are their greatest strengths.

But if the elves were to possess this strength, who knows if it may become a source of concern in the future, although it may not be evident at present.

[If the elves become united, it could become a significant threat in the distant future.]

[When other races hear this, it feels almost provocative.]

[Will the elves truly change?]

I am currently paying attention to the changes in the elves, just like the evaluations mentioned above. Some are wary of the elves, fearing that they might dominate the world in the distant future. Others assert that the elves are just elves and that arrogance cannot be eliminated.

Amidst these various evaluations, there is a common assessment, which is the content of the speech. Particularly, the phrase mentioned at the end, "by the elves, for the elves," has been reiterated several times. It encapsulated the essence of the previous speeches and received praise for deeply engraving a simple sentence in people's minds.

Of course, it was Isaac who wrote all of this, but people thought Arwen had done it.



"You're the one who wrote that speech, right?"

Except for a very small minority.


Cecily's condition worsened, so she promptly returned to the Minerva Empire. Then Cecily went back to Helium with Gartz and anticipated tomorrow. The next day, when it arrived, Cecily and I enjoyed a date together. Marie had her hands full with classes, but thanks to her willingly giving way, we were able to enjoy ourselves.

There were students who looked at us with strange glances, but we ignored them now. After all, even if we called it a date, all we did was have a meal together or wander around the academy.

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