CHAPTER 9: Close one

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Hey Hey! The description is out! So if you wanna read it, it'll give ya a good concept about what's coming. Don't worry, there's much more plot than that meets the eye 🤫

Au revoir!
*batman theme*

Frisk POV:

Upon reaching the old warehouse, I began to think that this wasn't just all talk.

Despite the lack of security, probably from not wanting to attract unwanted attention, there was a big, reinforced military truck parked in front of the opened double doors.

Many security guards guarded the entrance, all armed and wore ear pieces for communication.
And they were all monsters.

Most of them were on the quiet side, watching out for any trespassers or any people passing by.
But one really stood out to me that was far different than the rest.

A bad stand out.

He was a tall fellow, with an old button up shirt, dress pants, and a pair of brown suspenders that rested on his shoulders, they crossed when they met the middle of his back.

He was loud and obnoxious.

A skeleton, he seemed, I could only tell from where he was standing behind the rest of the group, attempting to chat up a storm. He was screaming.

He bore no weapon, in fact, he seemed too much of a child to be in he MMO, do they send children into war?
Well, from how high his voice is, and how egocentric his conversation sounded, it seemed like he was 6 years old, rather from what it looks like physically, 15 years old.

I'm sure he's here just to get out of the HQ.

I quickly shake my head, and saw window around the side of the building, too small for a monster of regular size, but I had a small figure, fortunately.

I silently crept around the building, trying not to alert the guards at all, leaving them with the loud skeleton.

The building was brick, like most of the apartments and buildings in the area, even my hometown had mostly brick buildings, so I had learned to scale them quite skillfully.

Putting my arms onto the wall, I scale up, very quietly, and looking around to see if anyone had seen me or could see me.

The warehouse was only two stories so I should get in there in no time.

As I climbed higher, I could see the rooftops of the small department stores and buildings around me, below me, since I had almost reached the window.

Snipers were scattered across the tops of the buildings, their backs facing me and looking into the horizon, watching, and waiting for their prey.

I could be so easy to kill them, but that's now what I came here for.

Kill April. Go home.

I repeated this to myself as I grabbed the frame of the window and hoisted myself up into the dusty warehouse.

Once inside, my footsteps slightly echoed throughout the empty building, the second floor only being a railing and a balcony to the first floor.

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