CHAPTER 30: Are you sure its just a dream?

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*Wink wink nudge nudge*
Looks down.

Sans POV:

I woke up in a room.


I didn't wake up, I have been conscious the entire time.

The mahogany walls and yellow carpeting wasn't hard to distinguish where my locations are.
Well, from what I could see.

Standing in Asgore's Office, I could hear screams and pleads for their life.

The wooden walls have splatters of blood, as did the floor. The floor held a giant pool of blood that seeped through the rug in the center of the room.

My mind was blank, all I could feel was rage. Why? What's happening?

My mind was blank, yet lively.

I was angry, yet happy.

She was in pain, yet bliss.

The screams were begging, yet they were calm.

My vision is black, yet I can see perfectly.

It was darker, yet darker.

She? Why she?

What's going on?

All I can see is darkness and emptiness.

I started to breathe heavy as if I had just ran a marathon at a full sprint all the way through, coming out in first.

The adrenaline was coursing through my skeletal body. Though I couldn't guess why I was so angry, my heart was racing a mile a minute.

As the world became clearer, so did the screams of pain, the spills of their crimson blood became more evident on my white hands and buttoned shirt.

My body was moving involuntarily.

The world was fuzzy, yet I knew exactly where I was.

And what I was doing.

A repeating stab motion with my arms, I gripped a sharp bone harshly as it came upon my sorry victim.

I knew where I was, what I was holding, I just want to know who I'm attacking. And why?

As she became clearer and clearer, the ringing of her screams and laughter filled my ears in pain.

Yet all I could feel was rage.

Someone was grabbing at my shoulders, clawing at them, begging; pleading me to stop.

Their hands were soft and large, fit for a softie, and not a leader.
Their white paws were trying to get me out of this trance I seemed to be in.

Yet his words were blocked out by my self Conscience and fury.

The human girl had tan skin, and a brown bob haircut. She lied on the floor, and I towered above her, repeated motions, killing her slowly.

She looked so familiar, yet seemed so different.
Who was she?

Had I met her before?

What was her name?

I need to see her eyes. If I can see her eyes, I can see her facial features and remember her name.
Even if her stomach is being mutilated by me.

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