Boris° Safe

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Summary: Boris wants you to be safe..

-Boris is Finn's character in "the goldfinch"
-I will try my best to emulate what Boris would be like. I haven't read the book so sorry if this isnt right.


It was quiet. The apartment was quiet.

"Boris? Boris? Are you here?" I spoke as my lips quivered. I didn't want to be loud, incase his father was home.

Boris' head popped out from a corner and he looked tired.

"He's not here, You can come in." Boris spoke, I exhaled and entered the apartment.
Boris' father scared me and was hardly home, and when he was home, he'd always put his anger on Boris.

I gulped and walked over to Boris room, my eyes examined as Boris puffed a few breaths of his cigarette.

I rolled my eyes, "You know what I said about smoking? I don't like you doing it." I mentioned and sat next to him on the bed. Boris turned to face me completely, his eyes were red. My eyes scanned down his face and down to his neck.

Bruises, on his neck.

I lightly traced my fingers along his bruises, and down his arms, I lifted his sleeves and examined more bruises, and cigarette burn marks.

"Your father needs to stop. I care about you Boris, please live with me? He can't continue to do this." I whispered and looked up at Boris. Boris' tears escaped and I felt as he held my hand.

"I can't leave. I must stay." Boris spoke in his cute Russian accent. I looked down at wiped my tears. I felt as Boris lifted my chin and faced me,

"I want you to be safe, if we continue this relationship he'll find out and try to hurt you. My father doesn't want me having friends or anyone. His alcoholic ass is dangerous." Boris explained, I sniffled and looked around Boris room.

He had cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

"I don't want you doing all these things B. You're better than that, please stop doing drugs with Theo, I want you to be healthy and safe, with me." I explained crying, I felt as he wiped my tears.

"Y/N, I-If you stay with me in this relationship, you won't be safe- I don't care, I want you Boris. I hate that you drink with Theo almost every night and do drugs, I don't want to wake up and find you dead someday." I explained crying, Boris wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll stop, ok? You know I only do it to numb the pain. My father, he-he almost killed me last night. He threatened to kill me if I didn't listen to him. " Boris whispered, I gulped and held tightly onto him.

"Come with me then. I'll look after you. I love you, I promise." I mumbled, Boris looked at me and gulped.

"You promise you love me?" He whispered, I agreed and tightened my grip onto him, my head leaning into his chest.

"I'm safe when I'm with you." Boris whispered. I smiled and felt secure.

-How was this? 😭❤️

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