Finn° After heartbreak

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Summary: Finn broke up with you and you have to deal with heartbreak.


There were 2 things I hated after he dumped me.
1. Being Finn's Co-Star/ TV girlfriend
2. That he wasn't broken down or the fact that he didn't express hurt after our break up.

My hands fiddled together as I stood on set just waiting for Finn as he had his make up re-touched.

I slowly looked up and saw that he wasn't even at the make up chair, as I scanned the area I sighed once I saw what he was doing...
Talking to an Extra, smiling, flirting.

"Mark! Finn's not here." I spoke as I stared at the director who was sorting out a scene frame with other crew members. Mark snapped his fingers.

"Finn! FINN!" Mark yelled. It caught Finn's attention, the curly haired boy made his way back to me.

"Ready for our scene?" Finn smirked and then turned to face the extra from a distance. I gulped and realised she was waving at Finn. He winked back at her.

Just rub it in my face much? Nice, thanks Finn you dick.

Can you keep it together and try not to cry?
I'll try not to.

Do you miss Finn?
Yes, but I don't want to.

Do you think Finn actually loved you?
Honestly, no.

I snapped out my thoughts and gulped as my bottom lip quivered. Finn isn't hurt, which means I meant nothing to him...Just a piece of ass.

He used me. He didn't love me, Finn almost seemed embarrassed everytime we would go out publicly or go to award shows together. Finn's words that he used on me where complete lies.

"Are we ready? I've sorted out the next scenes. Okay, Kissing Scene Take one." Mark called out.

Finn turned to face me. We were now acting as our lead roles on our new show.

Finn leaned forward and I felt as his fingers intertwined with mine. I could feel my heart pound and break, It felt over whelming having to kiss my ex after he dumped me.

Finn's brown eyes making contact with mine, my heart broke into a million pieces... I missed him, even though he didn't miss me. Finn's stare was making me feel like home again, he leaned in but I took a step back. Which was something I wasn't suppose to do.

My eyes were filling up, my vision became blurry from my tears.

"Y/N? Cut! Stop." Mark spoke. The crew stared at me and Mark gave me a concerning look. My head turned back around to Finn and I felt hurt, I can't do this...

"I can't kiss you, you hurt me." I whispered. Finn stayed quiet.

Suddenly, I remembered him flirting with an extra right in front of me. A feeling of a twist and turn happened in my stomach and my hand covered my mouth.

Oh no I was going to be sick.
Run to nearest bathroom. Made me sick to the gut.

-Close to 200k! Omg I'm so thankful ❤️ ily wives 💍
Y'll mean so much to me, and I'm just emotional (,:


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