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The doctors let Quinn leave the hospital the next day.

Puck stayed at the hospital for most of the day, but he had to leave to get Sarah to the train station and send her back to Lima. He came back to pick Quinn up.

"Hey." Puck said as he and Quinn got in the cab. "How do you feel?"

Quinn shook her head and looked at Puck. "I just wanna go home and sleep."

Puck nodded. "Okay."

When they got to their apartment, Puck unlocked the door for Quinn.

Quinn quickly walked inside and went to the bedroom. She closed the door and changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt. She tied her hair up into a messy bun.

"Q." Puck said as he knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

"It's your room, too." Quinn responded as she opened the door.

Puck slowly entered the bedroom. "I think we should talk about it."

Quinn shook her head.

"Quinn." Puck said.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Quinn exclaimed.

Puck sighed. "I know this is hard, but-"

"You don't know." Quinn shook her head. "It didn't happen to you."

"Just because it's not my body doesn't mean it didn't happen to me." Puck stated.

"It didn't happen to you!" Quinn repeated. "You weren't even there!"

"So tell me about it." Puck requested. "Just talk to me."

Quinn took a deep breath. "I don't wanna talk about it right now."

"How do you expect to cope with what happened if you can't even talk about it?" Puck asked.

"I just came home from the hospital, Noah." Quinn said. "I don't wanna deal with this right now."

"Then what do you need?" Puck wondered.

"I need to go to bed." Quinn answered. "And I need you to be there for me and hold me."

Puck sighed. "Alright."

Quinn crawled into bed and laid on her side, facing away from Puck.

Puck climbed into bed and pulled Quinn into his arms. "Night, Q. I love you."

"Night." Quinn responded as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Love you."

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