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Quinn went to Rachel's around 7pm. The other girls were coming over around 8, but Quinn and Rachel wanted to catch up first. They also wanted to go shopping and get whatever they needed for their girls' night.

"Hey, Rachel." Quinn said as she walked into the apartment. "Hey, Finn. We missed you at brunch."

"My manager sucks for scheduling a meeting today." Finn responded. "Luckily, it was in the morning, and I'm home for the night now."

"You're not home for the night." Rachel reminded Finn. "I'm having the girls over."

Finn looked at the girls. "I already texted Puck to see if I could crash there."

"I'm sure you could." Quinn said. "He has the extra space."

Finn nodded slowly. "I'll tell him you two said hi."

"I'm good." Quinn mumbled.

"What?" Finn furrowed his eyebrow.

"They broke up." Rachel informed Finn.

"Oh." Finn frowned. "Sorry. I haven't seen Puck 'cause he's been working a lot, so-"

"It's okay." Quinn said. "You didn't know."

"Are you okay?" Finn wondered.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Good. He's probably crushed." Finn noted.

Quinn shrugged. "I don't know. He broke up with me, and I packed a bag and left."

Finn furrowed his eyebrow. "He broke up with you?"

"Finn, you should go now." Rachel told him. "Quinn and I have to get ready and stop at the store for face masks."

Finn nodded slowly. He said goodbye to Quinn, and kissed Rachel before leaving.

"Sorry." Rachel apologized.

"It's okay." Quinn said. "He didn't know."

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