2. Home Sweet Home

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Back on the jet I tried to shake what had happend off of me by listening to some 70s and 80s music. 

'Hooked on a feeling' had just done playing when Nat asked Thor a report on the Hulk. I pulled out my earbuds and sat down in the middle of the jet next to Clint. 

" The gates of Hell are filled with the screams of his victims." Thor said with a big smile.  Which made Banner groan in despair. 

" Dude." I yelled at Thor. 

He immediatly realised he had said somethig wrong and tried to backtrack " Uh, but, not the screams of the dead, of course. No no, uh...wounded screams, mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and, and uh... and gout."

They were hopeless. I decided to put my earbuds back in and took a nap. 

When I woke up we were landing at the tower. I stretched myself and jawned " Home sweet home." 

Maria walked up to us and told dad " Lab's all set up, boss." 

" Uh, actually, he's the boss." Dad said pointing at Steve. " I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler." He what? 

" Hey I'm the one who makes everyone look cooler." I interrupted him" If it was for you we would all be running around in leotards and tights." They both laughed at my comment. 

I decided to follow Steve and Maria. I was sure she would have some more information about the enhanced.

" What's the word on Stucker?" Steve asked her. 

" NATO's got him."  She told us.

" The two enhanced?" Steve asked curiously.

She showed us a video of them on a tablet. " Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. " So that was the blonde guy's name. " Twins. Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special." 

I inspected them. Gosh he was cute. 

" Their abilities?" Steve asked her. 

" He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation." she said, but Steve didn't seem to get it. 

I tried to simplefy it for him " He's fast and she can mess with your brain." 

He nodded understanding. " Well, they're going to show up again." he told us. 

" Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts."Maria told us. 

 I smiled a bit at her comment. I knew what Steve was gonna say. And he did say it, I just knew him too well " Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?"He asked sarcastically. I smiled at his comment. 

"We're not at war, Captain." she tried to explain. 

" They are." he answered. She took the elevator and left the two of us alone. 

" If anyone's looking for me, tell them I went to sleep, will you?" I said while yawning. 

" Of course." Steve said and I walked to my room in the homy bit of the tower. 

I read the names on the doors, I still wasn't used to living with so many people at some times. THOR, CLINT, NATASHA, STEVE, ODETTE, TONY, BRUCE. They weren't always all there, but atleast I always had someone to talk to. 

I entered my room and sighed. It had been a long day. I put on my Captain America pyjamas, blue pants and a white shirt with his shield on it. It was a new one. I fell down on my bed, crawled under the covers and went to sleep. 

When my eyes opened again the clock showed 3:37. I had a thing with waking up in the middle of the night. Normally I would immediatly go back to sleep but I was pretty dehydrated. 

To the kitchen it was. I put on my Iron Man slippers and snuk out of my room, making sure I didn't wake anyone. 

I got a big bottle of water and walked back to my room. But I stopped and turned around when I saw light in the back of the hall. 

The glass floor showed dad and Bruce in the lab, working away. I decided to go down a level and knocked on the glass door of the lab. I walked in and asked " What are you two doing?" 

They looked up from their computers and papers. " Gathering information." Bruce said a little too quickly.

 I raised an eyebrow " At half 4 in the morning?" it was a bit suspicious. 

" We need all the time we can get pumpkin." dad said. 

" Okay." I said accepting it and going back to bed. If they didn't want their sweet sleep, their choice.

The next few days around the tower were peaceful. Clint was better, no one was stressed and we were all just hanging around. 

Steve and I had been reading up on Sokovia and the twins. They had volunteered because they wanted to take revenge on my dad. 'Great' I thought ' People who go after him mostly go after me too.'

After reading everything I could find about them I felt like I knew them, like we had some kind of connection. Well technically we had because of the scepter, it had given all three of us our powers. 

Speaking of the scepter, everytime I walked past the lab and I glanced inside I could see it. It was like it was calling for me to go up to it and just look at it. But I knew better than that. If I went in I was probably gonna touch it, and last time I did that, things didn't really go smoothly. 

" Dinner's ready!" I heard Clint yell through the research level. So I dropped what I was doing and made my way upstairs to the dining room. 

I sat down at the table and looked at what had been made. I laughed when I saw the boxes of pizza on the table. " I thought you said you were gonna cook for us Clint." I said taking a piece of a pizza with black olives on it. 

" No, you forced me to say that." he said sitting down as well.

It was nice having everyone around. Thor wasn't around that much so I was happy he was staying untill after the party. We talked about some stuff and of course it ended with the topic of the party. " I invited some guests, please don't scare them away." Dad said in a fake serious tone.

"I'm talking to you pumpkin." he said with a piece of pizza in his mouth. 

" Hey, I am a delight to be around." I defended myself. 

" Except for when you haven't had your morning coffie Lady Stark." Thor laughed.

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