66. Just don't freak out.

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" How was homecoming?" I asked sitting down next to Peter. I was in my normal clothes again. 

" Well... " he started. 

" What happened?" I asked " Please tell me Ned didn't wear that hat." 

" Oh no, he wore that hat." he laughed but got serious again " The Vulture, turned out to be Liz's dad." 

" What? That's crazy. How did you find out?" I asked, wanting to know the story. 

" Just, his face. When he realised it was me I really thought he was gonna kill me. But he didn't... Oh and a building collapsed on me." 

"What?!" I asked shocked. He said it like it was no big deal. 

" I got out thought." he said proudly" And saved your dad's cargo. No big deal." 

" You are unbelievable." I said. 

" More importantly," he started " Where have you been?" he asked me. 

" It's a long story." I said. 

" I think we have time for that don't we?" he asked dad. Who of course said yes, because he wanted to know what had happened as well. 

" Okay " I said " Just don't freak out okay?" They both nodded, Dr Strange had sat down as well. Maybe he was interested in what happened after we visited him.

" Well when I ran away I was with Steve, Sam and Nat. I think for about a year and a half. One day I was walking through New York, when I noticed Thor and Loki were standing in front of a torn down building-" 

" Wow what? Loki? On earth?!" dad interrupted me. I raised an eyebrow at him, he calmed down and let me proceed with the story. 

" They were looking for Odin. Somehow we ended up at Strange's sanctuary where he send us to Norway, I think it was. Well their dad died, and their sister Hela, goddess of death came back. And then I kinda, landed on this planet really far away called Sakaar because of the Bifrost. Loki and I were there for a few days then Thor showed up. We found Banner, he had been there fighting as hulk for two years. We met a Valkyrie, Brunnhilde and we escaped through the devil's anus." They all looked confused, it was a weird name. " It's a portal kind of thing. Back on Asgard we fought Hela. But to destroy her we had to destroy Asgard. So all the Asgardians were put on a ship that Loki had stolen from the Grandmaster of Sakaar, he was a pretty weird guy, funny, but weird. And Loki and I unleashed this giant fire monster who destroyed Asgard and with that Hela and we made our way to Earth." 

" You caused Ragnarok?" Strange asked impressed. 

" I sure did. Just after a few days Thanos attacked our ship, half of the Asgardians could escape but, he killed the other half. Loki was gonna hand him the tesseract when Hulk busted out and started to fight Thanos. Eventually he lost, Heimdall used his last powers to send us back to earth. And that's when we landed in the sanctuary." They all needed some time to take it in. 

" What about Thor?" dad asked. 

" I guess he's dead. Just like Loki." 

" Yeah well, no one cares about him." he said. 

I smiled a sad smile, thinking about him " We became friends actually, so I care." 

Dad looked at me for a second, then the words hit him. " Friends?" he asked confused " The guy attacked New York!" 

" I know." I said " But he was controlled by Thanos. He's actually a nice person.

" Dad laughed out loud " Okay, you know what? I'm not even gonna judge that."

A few hours later we were approaching the planet Titan. A message appeared on the control panel of the ship. 

" Hey, what's going on?" Peter asked my dad. 

" I think we're here." Strange said looking outside. 

" I don't think this rig has a self-park function." I said urgently. 

" Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?" Dad asked Peter, they were now trying to steer the ship. 

I looked at how it was build. " This was meant for one big guy, so you gotta move at the same time." I told them. 

" Okay. Okay. Ready." Peter said and they started to steer it towards the ground. The doughnut was heading straight for the center of what looked like a colossal game of jacks.

" We might wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!" I heard Peter scream. Dad armoured up

We flew into some kind of structure. Peter threw up his helmet. I did the same standing between them. At the same time Strange stepped between them and created a shield around us. 

The ship had reduced to 45%, it plowed through the dirt and stopped, leaning slightly to one side. Thank god there was a shield protecting us. 

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