13. Rome

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" Ever been to Rome?" Sam asked me. 

" This will be the first time." I told him while buckling my seatbelt on the plane. I had never flown in a plane. I mean, I had on been the quinjet but that was Nat flying and not some pilot I don't know.

" So what do we do when we actually find him?" I asked Sam in a whisper. 

" Look over him, make sure he isn't doing any Winter Soldier business and try to communicate with him. Our priority is always to keep him safe." he told me. 

" Well winning his trust will take some time." I noted. 

" I never said it would be a short mission." he said.


We had rented a two room apartment from an old Italian lady to set up our stake out. 

The first days we walked around the city to see if we could spot him somewhere. We really just hoped he had stayed in Rome. 

I quite enjoyed it actually. I had never been to Rome so I took pictures of every beautiful building I saw. It really was like Sam was my godfather who had taken me on a citytrip. 

While having dinner in a little restaurant we planned our actions for when we would find him. We would both take turns following him around through the day to see what he was up to.


One week into the search we had finally spotted him buying some fruit at the local market.(Yes , plums) We followed him to see where he was staying. He had rented a little studio in the center of the city. Now we just needed to see what he was doing there.

It was my turn to go watch over him. So I put on a cap and sunglasses and followed him to the Colosseum. Maybe he liked to do some sightseeing. 

While I walking around and made sure he didn't notice me I got a call from Steve.

- Hey O, how's the mission going?

- We found him. I'm following him in the Colosseum right now.

- That's great.

- Shit!

- What?

- He's looking around suspiciously. What do I do?

- Act like you're talking to me

- I am talking to you... Okay, he's back to sightseeing. Now how do you want us to approach him?

- Jus-

I didn't hear what else he was saying, I was kicked down the banister and into the actual fightingfield of the Colosseum. 

I switched to my earbud and heard Steve panick * What happened? Are you okay?* 

I stood up and cracked my neck " He just threw me down the fighting pit." 

Bucky jumped down and started walking over to me. 

" Steve what do I do?" I asked " I can't use my powers there are too many people." 

* Hang on I'm calling Sam* He said and cut our line. 

I dodged one of Bucky's punches and kicked him in the leg. Thank god Nat had teached me some hand to hand combat. He was really strong so the first hit I took was a pretty big one. 

" That really hurt." I said while getting back up. But he was not stopping. 

" Why are you following me?!" he asked while we were fighting again. 

" Steve." I said while panting" He wanted us to find you." Hearing Steve's name made him even more aggressive.

He tackled me down and was about to hit me with his metal fist when Sam swooped in and shot him with a tranquiliser. He immediately fell to the ground and I could finally catch my breath. 

" You okay?" Sam asked me. 

" Yeah" I said " we better get him out of here before the police shows up."

After a few hours Bucky finally woke up. He looked around the room and his eyes stopped on Sam and I. " Who the hell are you?" he asked confused while sitting up. 

" Odette Stark." I introduced myself. 

" Sam Wilson." Sam told him. 

" Stark?" he asked. 

I sighed " Yes like in Tony Stark." 

He shook his head " No, Howard, I remember Howard Stark." he told us. 

" That's my grandfather." I said softly. 

" Look," Sam started " We're here to take you back to New York."              

Bucky sighed " Look, I know Steve wants me to come back. But I need more time. I don't remember enough to start my life again. So please, just let me be for another few months. When I'm done I'll come back, I promise."

My phone started ringing so I went to the other room and picked up.

- Hello

- O it's me again

- Steve

- We need you back at the compound.

- Are you serious? We just found him!

- It's important

- Fine send the jet.

I hung up and went back to the guys. " They need us back at the compound." I told Sam. 

" Now?" he asked annoyed " We just found him." 

" I know. He said it was really important though. They're sending a jet." 

He sighed " Great, all our work for nothing." 

We let Bucky go, he wasn't a threat to anyone who didn't cross him.  

A few hours later we were all packed when the jet landed. We stepped on and left Rome. 

Nat was flying the jet, so I sat down next to her and Sam sat behind us. " What is so important that we need to cut short our mission?" I asked her.

" Rumlow has helpers, we need our complete team to take them down." she told us " And since your dad isn't into playing Iron Man anymore we need more people in the air." 

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