57. Revengers

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The three of us were sitting on the side of the road. Bruce was trying not to freak out. 

" The sun's going down. It's getting really low. The sun's going down. It's getting real low." Thor tried to calm him down " Sun's getting low." 

" Would you stop saying that?" he asked him. 

" I just need you to stay calm." Thor told him. 

" Calm? I'm on an alien planet!" Bruce said starting to freak out again. 

" It's just a planet. You've been on a planet before." Thor told him. 

" Yeah. One." Bruce said. 

" Now you've been on two. That's a good thing. It's a new experience." Thor said. 

" A good experience?" I asked him " You call this a good experience?" 

Bruce was not okay " Oh my God. My neurons, they're firing faster than my brain can handle the information. The whole thing is totally different this time. In the past, I always felt like Hulk and I each had a hand on the wheel. But this time, it's like he had the keys to the car and I was locked in the trunk." he said. Now that was an interesting comparison. 

" All right, well, you're back now. That's all that matters." Thor smiled. 

" No, it's not what matters. What I'm trying to tell you, is that if I turn into the Hulk again, Banner may never come back. And we're stranded on a planet that is designed to stress me out." Bruce said angry. 

" We're not stranded. We're gonna figure out a way to get us home." I told him. 

" Thank you." he said. 

" Not your home, though." Thor added " Asgard. My home." 

" What?" Bruce asked. 

" Listen, my people are in great danger. You, O and I, we have to fight this really powerful being, who also happens to be my sister." Thor told us. 

" Okay, that is so wrong on so many... I don't wanna fight your sister. That's a... that's a family issue." Bruce told him. 

" No, she's an evil being." I explained to him. 

" I don't care what she is. I'm not fighting anymore beings. I'm sick of it." Bruce said. 

" What?" Thor asked. 

" I just told you. If I turn into the Hulk, I am never gonna come back again. And you don't care." he told Thor. 

" No, no. I'm putting together the team. The Hulk is the fire." Thor tried to explain to him. 

" Wait, you're just using me to get to the Hulk." Bruce realised. 

" What? No!" Thor said. 

" It's gross. You don't care about me. You're not my friend." 

" No! I don't even like the Hulk. He's all like... 'Smash, smash, smash.' I... I prefer you." Thor tried to win him back. 

" Thanks." Bruce sighed. 

" You're ten times better than Hulk." I assured him. 

" But if I'm being honest," Thor started " when it comes to fighting evil beings, he is very powerful and useful." 

" Yeah, Banner's powerful and useful, too." I told Thor, sticking up for Bruce. 

" Is he though?" Thor asked. 

" Okay, how many PhDs does Hulk have?" Bruce asked " Zero. How many PhDs does Banner have? Seven." 

I nodded and added " And I have Zero. I didn't even finish high school." Bruce was shocked to hear that. 

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