7. You want me to stop a moving train?!

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I was flying next to Clint's jet. Overviewing the whole scene.

* Nat: I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him.

* Clint: There. It's the truck from the lab. Right above you, Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver.

* Steve: Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out.

Steve jumped onto the roof of the truck, I heard a few pushes and blasts.

* Steve: Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way.

* Clint: You're not a match for him, Cap.

*  Steve: Thanks, Barton.

Ultron blasted Steve as he tried to enter the truck, but Steve managed to get back onto the truck's roof. I couldn't see what was going on but a few seconds later Steve's shields fell out on the road.

* Clint: We got a window. Four, three...give 'em hell.

Nat dropped out of the Quinjet on a bike and drove towards the truck and picked up Steve's shield.

* Nat: I'm always picking up after you boys.

* Clint: They're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot.

* Nat: Which way?

* Clint: Hard right... Now.

She headed over to the truck, threw Steve back his shield and he used it to knock off Ultron from him.

I was still waiting until I could come in. They fought some more on the truck.  But then Steve tackled Ultron into a train.

That was my signal to swoop in. He was finally gone from the cradle, time for me to start blasting some energy. 

I started shooting at him but it didn't do any damage.

Out of nowhere a blue and white streak knocked Ultron over and came to a halt.  The twins had arrived. " Great, now we have to deal with them as well." I said annoyed.

" Please. Don't do this." Ultron said to Wanda.

" What choice do we have?" she asked him. 

Wait, what? They were fighting against him? After that Ultron flew away.

" Go!" Steve told Clint. I could hear him take off in the jet. We were now standing in a moving train that wouldn't stop.

" Civilians in our path." Steve said and Pietro ran off to get them out of the way.

" Can you stop this thing?" he then asked me. 

Was he serious? " You want me to stop a moving train?!" I asked him very confused. 

" Can't you do that?" he asked surprised. 

" No! The only thing I can do is blow it up." I said, he should know that. 

" I can do it." Wanda suddenly said. We both looked at her. 

" I'll help speedy with the civilians." I said and flew out of the train. 

I moved some people out of the way while I saw a white and blue streak do the same, but much faster. 

When Wanda had managed to stop the train I flew over to the twins. They were both catching their breath. " I'm fine. I just need to take a minute." Pietro told his sister. 

" I am very tempted not to give you one." I told him. 

When Steve joined us Wanda asked if we had the cradle. 

" Stark will take care of it." Steve told her. 

" No, he won't." she said. 

" You don't know what you're talking about, he's not crazy." I reassured her. 

" He will do anything to make things right." She had a point there. If he could use  the body to fix the problem he would defenitely do that. 

Steve tried to call my dad " Stark, come in. Stark. Anyone on comms?" No answer.

I tried as wel " Hey dad, are you there?" Nothing.

" Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it." Wanda said " Where do you think he gets that?"

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