58. Don't touch anything

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Brunn and I made our way to the prison. " I'm looking for Korg." she said. 

" Who's asking? I know you're asking . Is there anyone else asking, or is it just you?" he asked. 

I stepped out from behind her " Ready to start a revolution?" I asked him. B

runn dropped a load of weapons and said " The Lord of Thunder sends his best." We walked out 

" Actually, it's God Of Thunder." I corrected her. 

" No way." she said. 

"The Revolution has begun!" we heard from inside the cell.

We got Bruce and made our way to Brunn's ship. I was still wearing my backpack through all of it, I wasn't gonna lose my Ipod, never. We flew out and I saw another huge hologram of the Grandmaster. " Loyal Sakaarians, Lord of Thunder has stolen my ship and my favorite champion. Sakaarans, take to the skies. Bring him down. Do not let him leave this planet." he said. 

We were flying behind a guard ship that was shooting at Thor's one. She aimed and shot it right out of the sky. 

" Good shot!" Bruce said 

" Thanks." She made connection with Thor's ship. " Open the doors." she told him, so he did. " I hope that you two are tougher than you look." she said. 

" Why?" we asked in unison. A second later we got catapulted out of her ship and into Thor's one. I landed face first on the floor. 

I got up and looked around. Someone was missing " Where's Loki?" I asked Thor. 

" What do you think?" he asked back. 

" What an asshole." I said. 

" Shouldn't we be shooting back or something?" Bruce asked. 

" Yes, we should." Thor said " Where are the guns on this ship?!" he asked looking at all the buttons. 

* There aren't any. It's a leisure vessel!* Brunn told us through the comms. 

" What?!" I asked.

* Grandmaster uses it for his good times, orgies and stuff!* 

" Did she just say the Grandmaster uses it for orgies?!" Bruce asked disgusted. 

" Ewww!" I yelled. 

" Yeah. Don't touch anything." Thor said. This was disgusting.

While being shot at ourself, we saw Brunn's ship going down. " No! No! No!" we all said, she was down. But a little spot kept getting closer and closer, it was her. She smacked into the ship and held on to it. 

" Get inside!" I yelled at her. 

" In a minute." she said and crawled up the top of the ship. 

" No! What are you doing! Get in here!" I yelled at the roof. 

" I should probably go and help. Here, take the wheel." Thor said and put Bruce inside the driver's seat. 

" No. I don't know how to fly one of these." he told Thor. 

" You're a scientist. Use one of your PhDs." he said. 

" None of them are for flying alien spaceships!" he yelled as Thor jumped out. 

I looked at him trying to figure it out " You've flown with the Quinjet right." I said " It looks about the same." I added. 

He looked at the panel, " No it doesn't." he said, but managed to steer the ship. 

In the meantime Thor and Brunn were jumping around and destroying ships. " Okay, come on. There's gotta be a gun on this thing. That looks like a gun." Bruce said and hit a big button. 

A hologram of the Grandmaster popped up and music started playing" It's my birthday. It's my birthday. It's my birthday." It sang. I looked outside. 

" Is that firework?" I asked confused. This ship was useless.

After all our chasers were gone Thor and Brunn jumped inside of the ship and took over. Bruce and I went to sit down behind them." Yeah! Guys, we're coming up on the Devil's Anus!" Bruce said as we neared the big portal. We went into it, there was junk hitting the ship on every side. 

" Here we go. Shit!" Valkyrie yelled. We went faster and faster. 

" Hold my hand please." I told Bruce. He did what I said. I was scared, and yes that was an understatement. We went faster and faster and faster, and then I passed out. 


Chapter four of the day. I hope to finish the events of Ragnarok tonight.

If I don't, you'll read it tomorrow.

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