49. Visitor

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The next day when we sat down for dinner there was a knock on the front door. We instantly shut up. There was no one supposed to be in front of our door at that hour. The person knocked again, and after a few seconds he yelled " It's me you idiots." Hearing Fury's voice made us relax again. 

Steve opened up and Fury walked into the dining area. We all greeted him and he sat down at the table. Sam put down an extra plate and Fury started eating with us. But of course he wasn't there just to taste Sam's famous chicken pie. He had come to talk about the not talking to each other. 

" I think you and I both know when it's time to say enough is enough." he told Steve " Hell, not that long ago you gave me a lecture on it before we took down S.H.I.E.L.D. Can't we all agree that now is that time? How long can you and Stark keep up this silent treatment?" 

 " Knowing we've been here for about a year and a half. I'd say pretty long." Nat told him. It was true, we could stay under the radar for a lot longer if we wanted to. 

" Is there something that needs avenging?" Steve asked Fury. 

" It's not about avenging. It's about being prepared. I'd like to keep my options open, It's only a matter of time before some bigger intergalactic problem needs to be solved. Doing this case-by-case cleanup isn't what this team was meant for. We've got damage control for that." Steve was thinking long and hard. Then Fury looked at me, " Don't tell me you haven't been thinking about it. You and your dad have been talking about it ever since New York. If we want to beat that, we need all of you." 

" I gave Tony a phone to reach me. If he needs us, he'll call." Steve answered.

After dinner I had cleaned the table and brought everything to the kitchen. Sam, Nat and Cap were watching TV. 

Nick walked past so I pulled him into the kitchen. " What the hell?" he said. I handed him a towel for him to dry the dishes I did. 

" You have some explaining to do." I said in a hushed voice. 

" Excuse me?" he asked while drying the plates. 

" You know, about how Coulson is alive." I said looking at him angrily. 

He looked if no one was entering the kitchen " How do you know that?!" he asked angry. 

" I ran into him, in New York." I said annoyed " I can't believe you kept that from us." 

" There are bigger problems that need fixing. I don't need a whole team pissed at me for lying while the earth could be in danger." 

I sighed, he was right. " Even if we work together," I said " it won't be enough for what's coming." 

He put down the plate he was holding and looked at me " You can't think like that." he said. 

" But I am." I told him " We don't stand a chance. Not even with all the new people." We were no match for an alien invasion, we all knew it. We just didn't want to say it out loud. 

" Maybe it's not new people we need." Fury said. 

" What?" I asked. 

" Nothing." he said thinking I hadn't heard him. Not new people? He had old people? I decided to forget about it, he was probably just thinking about the good old days. 

When Fury had left I went straight to bed.

Streets, without any people on them. These streets I knew, Manhattan New York. The old Avengers building shining in the bright sun. But where thousand of people would normally be hustling through their day, there was silence. Cars were standing on the road, doors open, but no one inside. Hot dog stands still had hot dogs on the grill and the traffic lights still worked. 

" Hello?!" I yelled, wondering if people were just hiding. " Is there anyone?!" No response. There wasn't even the sound of birds. I looked in buildings and even in the sewers. But there was no one, I was all alone. 


Oh cheeky little Captain Marvel reference there from Fury.

What do you guys think the visions mean? Why does she get them? 

The next chapter will send us off to the new big events of the story. 

That's all for now.

And remember, stay hydrated boys and girls.

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