60. Loki ex machina

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" Korg?" I asked seeing him and Meek talking to Heimdall. 

They turned around at me " Odette, how nice to see you." 

" How did you get here?" I asked them, Korg pointed at the edge of the bridge. 

A huge ship came into view, " Your saviour is here!" I heard someone yell from it in pride. The mist disappeared and I could see Loki stepping down on the bridge, greeting the Asgardians and making them get on the ship. I wasn't expecting a loki ex machina today, but there he was. 

After talking to Heimdall he walked up to me. 

" Loki." I said. 

" Odette." he answered. 

" I guess it's time to use those powers you gave me." I said looking at the approaching guards.

" Excellent idea." he told me. So I started loading my hands and fired the first shots I had shot in over a year. I didn't remember it feeling so good though. I felt the energy flowing through my veins. When I kicked away one of the guards, light came from my foot. 

I looked at my burned shoe, " That's a first one." I said to myself. I used it to my advantage and was now walking around in shoes without soles.  I could see strands of my hair. It had become completely white after a while.

Suddenly a huge blast of lightning appeared and Thor came flying down the bridge, right at a group of guards. He blasted all of them back with his lightning. 

At the same time fireworks started coming from the Grandmaster's ship and Brunn walked out of it. Hair loose and sword ready to fight. She started slaying those guards like they were made out of nothing. I kept blasting away guards alongside Loki. 

We all came to a halt looking at Hela walking towards us. We were all panting. " I think we should disband the Revengers." Thor told us. 

" I didn't know you could do that." Brunn told me, mentioning my powers. 

" Only when I really need to." I told her. 

" Hit her with a lightning blast." Loki than told Thor. 

" I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing." he said. 

" We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board." Brunn said. I looked at the Asgardians boarding the ship. 

" It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now." Thor said. 

" So what do we do?" I asked him. 

" I'm not doing 'Get Help.'" Loki said. 

Hela was approaching with her swords. Then Thor came to a realization " Asgard's not a place, it's a people. Loki, this was never about stopping Ragnarök, this was about causing Ragnarök. Surtur's crown; the vault. It's the only way."

Loki understood what he was saying, and I did as well, I had read about it once. " Bold move, Brother. Even for me." Loki said and ran off. 

I followed him " I'm coming with you." 

 We got into the Grandmaster's ship and flew towards the palace. " This is madness." Loki said. " Why did you want to come?" he asked me. 

" How many people can say they've caused Ragnarok?" I asked him " Two, and I want to be one of them." If it was inevitable, I'd rather be in the middle of it and have a cool story to tell Peter and Ned when I got back.

We ran down towards the vault. I saw a gauntlet lying on the ground. I looked at it, but pushed the thought away. Loki grabbed Surtur's crown and we ran towards the flame. But he suddenly stopped. 

I looked at what he had stopped for, the Tesseract. The thing that had caused us so much trouble. HYDRA, the Chitauri invasion. But we couldn't just leave it behind. Loki was thinking the same " We can't just leave it here, take it." he told me. 

" I'm not touching it." I told him, scared of what it would do. 

" Why not?" he asked. 

" I already touched one stone, and look what it did to me." I said pointing at my white hair. 

He rolled his eyes and grabbed it. Throwing the crown into the fire and getting the hell out of there. 

While we were flying up to the big ship I saw Surtur arise " I am Asgard's doom!" he laughed.

We landed on the big ship and got inside. It was packed with people. Brunn, Thor and Hulk jumped onto the ship and it took off. We were looking at how Surtur destroyed the planet. 

" The damage is not too bad." Korg said " As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe." As if on cue Asgard exploded into a million pieces. " Now those foundations are gone. Sorry." he said. 

 " What have I done?" Thor asked. 

" You saved us from extinction." Heimdall told him " Asgard is not a place... It's a people."

And all I could think of was how one of my visions had come true. Meaning all of them eventually would. 

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