14. Lagos

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A few months had passed since Sam and I had returned to America. We had been following leads on all kinds of people. But for the first time in six months we had a genuinely good lead on Rumlow. 

We were in Lagos, a city in Nigeria. Sam and I were standing on a building in our suits, looking for suspicious behaviour in the city. Nat and Wanda were sitting on the terras of a little cafe and Steve was inside the building we were standing on. 

I never knew I liked fighting crime so much until we actually started rolling up bad guys that weren't robots or aliens, but just humans like us. And there was of course the fact that they didn't try to take over or kill everyone on earth, they just did their jobs.

*All right, what do you see?* Steve asked Wanda in particular, she was still getting the hang of the whole, scanning the area part of the job. 

* Standard beat cops. Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target.* she said. 

" There's an ATM in the south corner, which means..." I helped her out. 

* Cameras.* She answered correctly. 

* Both cross streets are one way.* Steve mentioned.       

* So, compromised escape routes.* Wanda filled in. She was really getting the hang of this.           

* Means our guy doesn't care about being seen, he isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?* Steve asked. I looked over to it, it was pretty cute. 

* Yeah, the red one? It's cute.* Wanda said, which made me laugh. 

" I was thinking the exact same thing." I told her.

* It's also bulletproof, which means private security, which means more guns, which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us.* Natasha joined the conversation. 

Okay maybe we get distracted by these kind of things, I mean, Wanda and I were still teenagers. If we see a cute car, we watch. If we see a cute boy, we also watch. But Wanda had the perfect answer ready * You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?* 

* Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature.* Nat said while sipping from her coffee. 

* Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?* Sam asked her. 

* Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?* she asked sarcastically. 

Steve interrupted us * Eyes on target, folks. This is the best lead we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him.* Yeah I didn't think we had to worry about that, if he gets the chance he would try to kill us. 

* If he sees us coming that won't be a problem. He kind of hates us.* Sam stated my thoughts. 

But we still had to find them, we had been standing on that roof for half an hour already with no sign of Rumlow. Until Steve noticed a garbage truck making his way through the crowded streets. * Sam, see that garbage truck? Tag it.* He told Sam. 

From the back of his jetpack, a small drone launched and flew down to scan the garbage truck.* Give us X-ray.* Sam told it and the information started streaming in. We had connected some of our gadgets so we could work better together.' Redwing weight analysis: Cargo Weight: 13825 kgs. Max capacity.'  I read. 

* That truck's loaded for max weight. And the driver's armed.* Sam told the rest.

 * It's a battering ram.* Nat realised. 

* They're gonna smash something!* I said realizing what their plan was. 

* Go now.* Steve told all of us. 

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