77. The garden

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Dad couldn't come with us, he was still to weak for that. But the rest of us decided to go get Thanos. Bruce had Veronica the Hulkbuster, 'cause apparently the Hulk didn't want to come out after what happened on the refugee ship. Everyone put on their suit and I put on my watch.

" We still haven't formally met. I'm Odette Stark." I said when I sat down beside Carol. 

" Carol Danvers." She smiled, shaking my hand. 

After contemplating asking my question, I finally asked her. " Not to be rude but, what are you doing here?" 

She started to start up the ship while everyone started to get on board. " Fury paged me, in the 23 years I've been gone, he never did that. So I figured it must have been important." She made me think back to the night Fury and I had been doing the dished together. Not new people we need, huh Fury. 

" I'm glad you came." I told her, which made her smile at me.

When everyone was buckled in we were ready to go. Some of them looked kinda nervous. " Okay. Who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket asked from the pilot seat. Three hands went up. Steve, Rhodey and Nat. " You better not throw up on my ship." He warned them, which made Carol and I laugh. We took of and after a minute Rocket started to count down " Approaching jump in 3.. 2.. 1." We went into hyper speed and jumped into another part of space. I looked at everyone to make sure they were okay. Lucky for me I had been used to high speed from going through the Bifrost and the Devil's Anus.

" I'll head down for recon." Carol told us and flew down to the planet. There was a lot of blue and green, just like Earth. I was talking to Bruce about Veronica when Carol came back. " No satellites, no ships, no armies, no ground defenses of any kind. It's just him." 

"Then that's enough." Thor said.

We landed next to some field where fruit was growing. He even had his armour hung up as a scarecrow. I suited up. Carol was gonna be the first to go in. After she was in Nat, Bruce and Thor went in as well. Steve and I followed close after. When we walked in Thor chopped Thanos' hand with the gauntlet off. He screamed in pain. But when Rocket turned the gauntlet around there were no stones in it. 

" Where are they?" Natasha asked him. He didn't answer. 

" Answer the question." I said aiming a blaster at him. 

He smiled " The universe required correction. After that, the stones served no purpose, beyond temptation." I took away the blaster. 

" You murdered trillions!" Bruce freaked out on Thanos, punching him in the face. 

" You should be grateful." Thanos told him. 

" Grateful? You want us to be grateful?!" I yelled wanting to shoot him in the face, but Nebula held me back. 

" Where are the stones?" Steve asked. 

" Gone." He answered " Reduced to atoms." What? 

" You used them two days ago." Nat said not believing him. 

 " I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me.But the work is done." He said pleased with himself. He looked at all of us " It always will be. I am inevitable." This wasn't happening, it couldn't be. 

" We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying." Rhodey told us. 

But Nebula stopped him " My father is many things. A liar is not one of them." 

Which made Thanos look up at her " Thank you, Daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly-"

 Thor swung his axe and decapitated Thanos. I looked from the head, to Thor, to the head again. 

" What... what did you do?" Rocket asked. 

" I went for the head." Thor said and walked out. 

Thanos was gone, but so were the stones. 


Three chapters in one day, woohoo! 

I'm so happy I can finally write about Endgame. 

Next chapter will probably be the time jump. Which means, Odette gets a little sister. :)

She's gonna be such a great big sister, I can't wait.

I hope you enjoyed the new chapters. I know I had fun writing them. 

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