📃 Bonus: Namjoon's Bedtime Story

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Moonset I: Namjoon's Bed Time Story

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Moonset I: Namjoon's Bed Time Story


Time travels back to that one night of spring.

"Dad Dad Dad!" Little Joon bounced around as his father sat down on the floor of his bedroom.

"It's bed story time!" He chimed excitedly and quickly flopped himself on his father's lap.

"Stop moving around." His father ordered while holding his little son by his waist.

"Or else there will be no bed time story." Namjoon pouted.

"Fine." The little boy sat quietly on his father's crossed leg while the older male grabbed a somehow old looking story book. Namjoon quirked his eyebrow looking at the vintage dusty look papers.

"Ew.. are we going to read a history book or what?" Namjoon mocked.

"Ssst.. this is a good story. Don't judge the book by its cover." His father replied while blowing the remaining dust from the cover. Namjoon coughed a bit.

"Oof, dirty." The younger whined with his disgusted face.

His father just smiled and ruffled his lock softly. He opened the book with its already discoloring pages. The book was written with a black inked pen and wrote in Hanja. Namjoon groaned. He couldn't understand any of the words. Is that even Korean? His teacher never teach those alphabet.

Of course, because it was a really ancient book that his father currently held right now.

"Just listen for today, okay?" Namjoon huffed while crossing his arms. He liked when his father read a story, but he also loved when he could read it himself. Maybe not today, little Namjoon thought.

There were some old black and white sketched in the book. It was a draw of a man, with his hanbok attire, two wolf ears popped above his head. He was sitting on top of a tree. Meanwhile, there was a girl with the similar attire, holding a basket of fruits, staring up at the male above her from under it.

"This is a legend of our late ancestors." Namjoon groaned when the words escaped his father's lips.

"Not another history class, dad!" Namjoon proested.

"Sssshhh, this is not a history class. This is a really good story, just trust me." Namjoon squirmed on his father's lap.

"This is a story about two rebellious alphas who thought they were almighty. They were so arrogant that they despised the Moon Goddess existence and roaming around to burn her shrines." Namjoon gasped with little hands clasping over his mouth.

"W-what? Are they crazy? T-they will be damned!" The wolf exclaimed.

"Hmmm, now I got your interest." His father smirked.

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