Spin The Scroll, and Cocaine Madness (J.W.)

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Joy: This is so stupid.

Rainkeeper: Agreed. We're not doing this.

Seashell: We're doing this.

Joy: Who's idea was this again?

Nightflyer: Air's.

Rainkeeper: Shoulda known, shoulda known.




Nightflyer: Hee Haw. 

Seashell: Hee Haw.

Joy: It's Dominick the Donkey.


Rainkeeper: Hee Haw

Nightflyer: Hee Haw.

Seashell: The Italian Christmas Donkey.

Air: OH,

Hosts: La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, la, la, laeohda

*players appear*

Rainkeeper: So it's the holiday season

Nightflyer: Happy late Hanukkah. 

Seashell: But we don't have a holiday themed dare sooooooo.....

Joy: Instead, we're all getting drunk and playing Spin the Scroll.

Seashell: Except for Joy, who has to flirt with Macaw for 15 minutes.

Air: And Kelp, who will be teaching Kinkajou how to do Cocaine

Joy: How Kelp knows how to do cocaine, I have no idea. 

Rainkeeper: Kinkajou will also have the world's supply of sugar and ten nuclear silos under her control.

Air: Oh dear moons, Gabriel's not going to be happy about this.

Kinkajou: YES! SUGAR!

Joy: I don't think it's fair that I have to give up my silos for this.

Seashell: Oh shush, and so flirt. 

*Kelp and Macaw appear*

Joy: *shudders*

Seashell: Okay, Kelp, here's some cocaine, teach Kinkajou how to use it.

Kelp:..........But......But I don't know how to use it.....

Seashell:.....That sounds like a you problem.


Kinkajou: Alright, Kelp, I'm supposed to get high, so how does this white stuff work?

Kelp: Okay, well, I THINK we're supposed to eat it somehow.....

Kinkajou: Like.....mix it with water or something?

Kelp: I don't know......

Macaw: Helllloooooooo Joy!

Joy: Dude. Your son is dating my grandson.

Macaw: What?

Joy: Nothing, on with the horrible, horrible flirting... Oh dear moons, no one could flirt with with a clear mind- RAINKEEPER, GET ME A DRINK!

Rainkeeper: Daiquiri or Martini?

Joy: Whatever has more alcohol!

Rainkeeper: You got it, sis. *gives drinks to everybody until everyone is drunk*

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