Stuck in Ed

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[Rolf has his face pressed against a window. He is staring in, trying to discern something. He suddenly turns around to face the kids, who are standing at the end of the house's driveway.]

Rolf: "Why does Kevin taunt us so?"

Jonny: "Maybe he's playing tiddleywinks!"

[The wait continues.]

Jimmy: "Could it be he's forgotten?"

Sarah: "He better not have, or I'll remind him the hard way!"

Nazz: "Chill, guys. He'll show up."

[The wait continues. Suddenly, the lock at the bottom of the garage door turns. Kevin heaves the door open.]

The Kids: "Jawbreakers!"

[The garage is indeed filled to the brim with the candy treats, which are glowing with a magical light.]

Kevin: "My dad says, the inventory's gotta go. Same deal as last year, dudes and dudettes." [He holds out a pocket, and the kids quickly fill it with change.]

Nazz: "Awesome, Kev!"

[The kids rush the garage. Jimmy is the last to make it in.]

Jimmy: "Leave some for me, you piggies!"

Eddy: "Hurry, quick! Move it, move it, move it!" [He and his cohorts exit the lane.]

Rolf: "Out of Rolf's way!" [He runs over Eddy. The rest of the kids (barring Kevin) trample him on their way out.]

Nazz: "I'm set for life!"

Jonny: "You ain't just bustin' pixies, sister!"

Ed: [picking up Eddy] "Jawbreakers ahead!" [The Eds and Nat run into the garage. Jimmy runs by with a jawbreaker.]

Jimmy: "Out of my way! I'm salivating!"

[The garage is devoid of all jawbreakers; the Eds and Nat came too late.]

Edd: "Gadzooks! Do you see any jawbreakers? I certainly don't."

Nat: "No I don't"

Eddy: [despairing] "THEY'RE ALL GONE! SAY IT AIN'T SO, DOUBLE D!"

Edd: "I'm afraid we're too late, Eddy." [Eddy begins tearing the walls apart in desperation. Ed searches through a light shade in the ceiling.]

Ed: [forlorn] "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

Eddy: [throttling Ed] "THIS IS YOUR FAULT! ADMIT IT! If you do, I promise not to leave bruises."

Kevin: "Hey, you lovebirds, vamoose. Babysitting's over, 'cause I just scored big time. Later!" [He walks off, pocket full of change.]

Ed: [waving goodbye] "You forgot to say 'dorks,' Kevin!"

Eddy: [to his friends] "Did you see Kevin's pockets? They're bursting with cash, I tell ya!"

Edd: "Let's hope for Kevin's sake those stitches don't tear. Wouldn't it be a shame if he were to lose that plentiful peck of pennies?"

Eddy: [not getting it] "Yep."

Edd: [after Eddy says nothing more] "Yup? Is that all you have to say for yourself? Yup? No rash, nonsensical quip to defraud Kevin of his fortune?"

Eddy: [somewhat confused] "Scam Kevin." [to Ed] "That's what he said, right?" [now to Edd] "I'm way ahead of you, Sockhead." [The Eds and Nat huddle.] "Here's the plan, boys and girl."

[Eddy says nothing.]

Ed: "What?"

Eddy: " know."

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