An Ed in the Bush

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[Jonny and Jimmy are at attention in their Urban Ranger uniforms. Rolf looks them over.]

Rolf: "Urban Rangers, before our journey begins, prepare for inspection."

[Rolf marches in front of them, ready to begin. The scene then switches to inside Eddy's house, where Eddy is chasing Ed and destroying the place. Edd times them with a stopwatch. Nat watches.]

Eddy: "No use, Ed."

Edd: "Time marches on, Eddy."

[Outside, Rolf looks Jimmy over carefully. Inside, Eddy leaps at Ed.]

Eddy: "You're toast, Ed!" [Ed sidesteps, and Eddy slams into a picture on the wall. He gets up, and the chase continues.]

[Jimmy is nervous under Rolf's gaze. Inside, Eddy has managed to capture Ed.]

Eddy: "Get down, ya lump! Gotcha!"

[Outside, Rolf moves on to Jonny. He drags a finger across Jonny's bald head. Inside, Ed is spinning Eddy above his head by his hairs. When Rolf brings his finger up to the light, there is dirt smeared across the glove.]

Rolf: "You have besmirched the code of the Urban Ranger! Why, if Rolf had a loaf of bread he'd–"

[Ed crashes through the garage door, Eddy on his back.]

Eddy: "Yee-haw! Go, baby, go! Whoo hoo hoo hoo! Whoa!"

Ed: "I'm a bucking buckaroo! Alley-oop!" [He throws Eddy off, into a door.] "Toot toot! I win!"

[A hose lasso falls over his hands. Eddy drags Ed in and ties him like a calf.]

Eddy: "Sucker. Time!"

Edd: [stopping the clock] "Five minutes and fifty-nine seconds! A new record! And with minimal damage!"

Nat: "Great job!"

[Rolf claps sarcastically.]

Rolf: "Very impressive, Ed-boy. It is a shame you fail with such disgrace at your pitiful attempt to cloak your sorry and feeble effort at becoming an Urban Ranger."

Jonny: "Loser!"

Rolf: [angry] "Ranger Jonny! Why have you chosen this day to rupture Rolf's pumpernickel!"

Eddy: [as the Rangers leave] "Like I ever wanted to join! What sheep. I hate those Urban Rangers."

Edd: "As I remember it, Eddy, you liked their uniforms and wanted to join."

Eddy: "Yeah right. You remember wrong, Double D." [He pulls Ed up and spins the hose off.]

Ed: [dizzy] "It's a long ball, coach!"

Eddy: "Go back to sleep, Ed." [Eddy rummages in Ed's pocket and pulls out a rotten tomato.]

Rolf: "Rangers! The forest beckons! March!" [Jonny beats out a march, and the Rangers begin to move.]

Edd: "What will throwing an over-ripened tomato prove?!? Eddy?" [Eddy throws it.] "I'm not done reasoning with you!"

Nat: "Oh no."

[Jonny sees the tomato coming and spins his drum. The drum catches it and sends it flying back towards the Eds and Nat.]

Eddy: "Man, if that ain't a fluke, I don't know what is." [The tomato hits Edd. Nat hands him a napkin.] "Looking for trouble, Urban Nerdos?!?!?"

Rolf: "Do not let the commoner spoil our merrymaking, Urban Rangers."

Jimmy: "I love it when we let loose!"

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