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[Nat is tying two deck chairs to a clothes-drying contraption in a backyard. Edd is oiling the pole in the center.]

Edd: "The Lawn Chairs Orbit Earth Ride is ready."

Eddy: [by a ticket booth] "Ticket booth ready!"

Ed: [fenced in] "Petting zoo A-OK!"

Eddy: "They'll push, they'll shove, they'll pay big bucks to come to our 'Ed-Land!'"

Nat: "I can't wait!"

Edd: "I'd like to run a preliminary test first."

Ed: "Oh oh, test the petting zoo!"

Eddy: [climbing on to the ride] "Hang on to your eyebrow, Ed."

Ed: "Pet me now!"

Eddy: [uncomfortable] "This chair stinks!"

[Eddy is carrying a stool to Ed-land. Ed is following him with an armchair.]

Edd: [protesting] "You're tampering with the laws of weight and balance, Eddy. Eddy?" 

Nat: "That's a bad idea."

Edd: [He sighs.] "Ignorance must be bliss."

[The armchair is hooked onto one side of the ride, not effectively counterbalanced by the lawn chair still on the other side.]

Eddy: "Now we're talking."

Edd: "Shall we begin, Ed? Contact!"

Eddy: [after Ed fails to push Eddy's chair] "What was that? C'mon, musclehead, push!"

[Ed grabs the chair and pushes it hard. Eddy disappears into a whirling blur. As he spins, the rope starts to come apart. The one holding his chair up snaps and shoots him up, up, and away.]

Eddy: [flying] "WE'RE GONNA BE RICH!"

[In the distance, the chair is heard crashing.]

Ed: "My turn!"

[Eddy is still sitting in the chair. The back end of the chair is wedged in an upper-story window.]

Eddy: "Holy cow!" [He jumps to the ground.] "Good push, Ed. Did you see that chair fly?"

Kevin: [pushing the chair out of the window] "Who broke my window?"

Ed: "Hi Kevin!" [The chair lands on him.] "Ow. [falls down] Ouch."

Kevin: "EDS AND NAT! Don't move."

Edd: "Sorry, Kevin. While testing our new ride, we didn't anticipate the weight-length ratio Eddy's chair–"

Eddy: [slapping a hand over Edd's mouth] "Button your lip!"

Kevin: [belligerent] "Who broke my window?"

Eddy: "Um...didn't you see them?"

Kevin: "Who?"

Eddy: "The Mucky Boys!"

Kevin: "Mucky...boys?"

Eddy: "Yeah! They were dumped off by a tornado! And raised by field mice. In a cave, near the construction site. And they eat their weight in cheese, and they throw comfortable armchairs through the air and smash, into your window."

Kevin: [considering the story for a few seconds] "Baloney!"

Eddy: "Look, there they go!"

Kevin: "Where?"

Eddy: "There!"

Kevin: "Freeze, Mucky Boys!"

Eddy: [to Edd, giggling after Kevin runs off] "Kev's such a sap. Mucky Boys. I crack me up."

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