Ed Edd n Eddy + Nat Finale

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[The factory bulges and explodes, raining down a tremendous amount of rubber snakes. The snakes fall all over in a rain, landing on a roadway. They fall everywhere, including on Nazz and Kevin. Kevin picks one up.]

Nazz: "Whoa! What's that?"

Kevin: [spotting the factory] "Dorks." [He grins evilly.]

[Wilfred has come to rest under a tree and is chewing on some sausages. He hears Rolf calling.]

Rolf: "Hello! Wilfred?"

[Wilfred noses into the bushes and peeps out. He sees Rolf searching for him.]

Rolf: "Rolf is so sad! This is true! Like the little shrinking eggplant Jimmy boy, Rolf cries and cries and cries!"

[Behind Rolf's back is a shoe. Rolf smacks it against his hand. At this, Wilfred's eyes widen, and he charges.]

Rolf: "Stay back, or you will meet Rolf's shoe!" [Wilfred attacks Rolf.] "Mama, assist Rolf! The sow has ruptured! Wilfred!" [Wilfred clamps down on Rolf's stomach.] "Stop! Release Rolf!"

[Wilfred lets go, and Rolf's stack falls on him. Wilfred wriggles out and runs away, squealing. Rolf crawls from the wreckage, a strange device over his head.]

Rolf: "Wilfred?" [wrestling with it] "This thing must come–" [It snaps back onto his head.]

[The Eds are walking through another wooded area.]

Ed: [laughing] "Oh boy, Eddy, did you see them go flying? They flew like a canoe!" [pointing to a snake] "This doesn't even look like a jellybean!"

Eddy: "Just keep your eyes peeled, chuckles."

Edd: [yelling from far away] "Assistance please!"

Ed: "I think he flew over here, Eddy!"

Eddy: "Where?"

Ed: [uprooting a tree] "What?"

Eddy: "What?"

Ed: "Who?"


Ed: "Double D!" [He tosses the tree over his shoulder and runs towards the sound.]

Eddy: "Hey!" [The tree lands on Eddy.]

Ed: [looking under a bush] "See?"

Eddy: "Why you dirty–"

Ed: "Tag! You're it!"

Eddy: "You're dead!"

[Eddy chases Ed off a cliff.]

Ed: "Look, I'm Double D and Nat! I'm flying!"

[They land next to a river.]

Eddy: "Idiot." [A shoe hits him.]

Edd: "Get us down from here!"

Nat: "Well this is unfortunate."

[Edd is hanging from a ledge on top of a waterfall by his hat. Nat is hanging by her sweater.]

Ed: "Hi Double D and Nat!"

Eddy: "Hey Sockhead and Turtleneck, can you see my bro's place from up there?"

Nat: "No Eddy!"

Edd: [angry] "NO! Now get us down!"

Eddy: "You heard him, lumpy."

[Nat looks up at the ledge. She thinks for a minute, then gets an idea.]

Edd: "Hurry please, I'm afraid I can't hold on for much longer gentlemen!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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