X Marks the Ed

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[It is a peaceful day on the water as the sun shines down on it. Suddenly, a doll plops down into the water, a rope tied around its neck. The Eds and Nat are relaxing in a boat, fishing in Ed's pond for who-knows-what.]

Eddy: "This is the life, huh boys and girl? We catch us some fish, sell 'em to a fish buyer guy, he hands over a big wad of cash, and bingo. We're rich."

Ed: "Got any eights?"

Edd: "I hardly think we'll be catching anything in Ed's backyard pond, Eddy."

Nat: "You never know."

[Something bites Ed's line.]

Ed: "Ooh. FISH! FISH!" [He heaves at the rod, trying to pull the fish in.]

Eddy: "It's mine! Reel it in, Ed!"

Ed: "It's a fighter, Eddy!"

Edd: "Oh please. No creature could survive in this pond."

Ed: "If it's not of this world it's mine!"

[Ed and Eddy continue to heave until it rises out of the water. At that point, Eddy steps back, scared.]

Edd, Nat and Eddy: "What is that?!?"

[Ed has pulled out something that looks like a fish but is made entirely of various meats.]

Ed: [dancing in the boat] "Oh goodie goodie! It's my freezer experiment! I wondered where Sarah hid it. Welp, that's a keeper." [He tries to swing the experiment into the boat.]

Edd, Nat and Eddy: "NO, ED!!!"

[The giant fish thing swings around against the side of the boat. It hits with enough force to knock the boat upside down, sending the Eds and Nat flying out of the water.]

Ed: "Who brought the tarter sauce?"

Eddy: "Ed!" [He leaps on his friend.] "How are we supposed to get ahead in life if you keep WRECKING EVERYTHING?" [His hat falls off, and Ed stares.] "What're you lookin at?" [Ed pokes the top of Eddy's head.] "Get your finger off my head, Ed."

Ed: [taking Eddy to the pond] "I spy with my little eye." [We look at Eddy's reflection and see a red bump popping up under one of his hairs.] "Something that is red."

Eddy: "What's that?"

Ed: "I seen this before, Eddy! I forget where." [He licks his jacket sleeve.] "Let's rub it!"

Nat: "I don't think you should-"

[Ed proceeds to rub the wet sleeve back and forth on Eddy's head. When he puts Eddy down, the top of his head is flattened and blurred, although the bump and his three hairs still stick up.]

Ed: "There you go."

Edd: [cleaning Eddy up] "Really, Ed, that's so unsanitary. May I have a look?" [He uses a magnifying glass to examine the bump.] "Why Eddy, it's nothing more than a pimple." [Eddy looks scared.] "Congratulations! It seems puberty has opened your door to adulthood!"

Eddy: "I'M TOO HANDSOME TO HAVE ZITS, DOUBLE D!" [He uses Edd to cover the blemish.] "What if somebody sees me?"

Edd: "Oh please, Eddy. Pimples are a natural phase of growing up, as normal as Mother's charcoal filter shoe inserts."

Nat: "It's really not that bad Eddy."

Ed: "Oh, I make a game out of mine, Eddy. 'Cause I'm productive. You can play connect-the-dots."

[Ed lifts the back of his jacket and shirt to reveal that he does indeed have bacne.]

Ed: "See? It's a boat."

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