One + One = Ed

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[Eddy is in bed, sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, flies start to swarm around him. Eddy waves them away and rolls over. The flies return, however, and Eddy awakes a little. He then sees something startling.]

Eddy: "Ed! What are you doing in my bed?"

Ed: "I can't sleep, Eddy. I keep thinking; how can my feet smell if they don't have a nose?"

Eddy: "Ed?" [after a long pause] "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" [He boots Ed out of bed.]

Ed: "Ow! My buttocks hurt." [His attention is drawn to the lava lamp.] "Why does goo float?"

Eddy: "HIT THE ROAD!!" [A crunching is heard. Ed has eaten the lamp. The goo can still be seen through his eyes.] "What the? MY LAMP!!!"

Ed: [picks Eddy up] "Eddy, why don't birds just take a bus south for the winter?"

[A clock on Eddy's stove reads 3:14. Eddy, exhausted, has curled up into a drawer and Ed's barrage of questions is still going strong.]

Ed: [opening and closing the refrigerator door] "Eddy, when you close the fridge door, does the little light stay on?"

Eddy: "GO HOME!"

Ed: [continuing to play with the door] "Hello light. Hello light. Hello light. Hello light. Hello light."

[It is morning. Eddy has gotten no sleep, and Ed is still asking questions.]

Ed: "Eddy, carrots are good for your eyes. Can it dial a phone?"

Eddy: "If you're going to strain your peanut brain, think of something more important. Like–how to get your face on a dollar bill!"

Ed: "Eddy, why is someone in the kitchen with Dinah?"

Eddy: "Uh...Double D and Nat up yet?"

[Edd is working on some complicated piece of machinery. Nat is there with him watching.]

Nat: "Wow I've never seen the inside!"

Edd: "Well allow me to be the first to show you."

[Edd plucks out a piece.]

Edd: "Intriguing! Slowly..." [examining it] "How embarrassing! Seems to be a 15-amp resistor! Who woulda thought? My, I love knowledge!"

Nat: "Me too!"

Eddy: "HEY DOUBLE D!" [Edd leaps into Ed's arms.]

Edd: "Eddy, you know I hate that! Oh, hello, Ed."

Eddy: "What're you doing to this toaster? Busted, or what? Where's the toast go, anyway?"

Edd: "First of all, Eddy, toast doesn't go in a toaster. Bread does. Second, it's actually an antique radio. I disassembled it, Eddy, in order to understand and show Nat how it works."

Eddy: "You're a riot, Double D."

Nat: "It's incredible!"

Edd: "Think how if we knew everything, we would be–"

Eddy: [sarcastic] "If we knew everything, we would be so famous." [getting an idea] "Wait, yeah! And rich!"

Ed: "Like potato salad?"

Edd: "Well–"

Eddy: "I see jawbreakers! Loads of em! I never thought I'd say this, but, let's learn!"

Nat: "Yes I would love to learn more!"

Edd: "That's the spirit! Let's get educated! Shall we begin our journey of knowledge at Ed's house?"

Ed Edd n Eddy + Nat (My Oc)Where stories live. Discover now