Is There an Ed in the House?

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[Rolf is about to have his picture 'taken' by the Eds and Nat in their photography scam, but his hair keeps sticking up]

Edd: "Let's pick a theme, shall we?"

Nat: "Would you like to pose with a beach ball or a lollipop?"

Rolf: "No sump, as Rolf prefers his churn that softs breads."

Eddy: "There he picked! Now get out of the way, so I can take the picture."

Rolf: "May Rolf order one eight by ten glossy with many wallet size photos for his relation?" [his hair sticks up again]

Eddy: "Whatever you want, Rolfie boy. I'll just put it on the bill."

Edd: "OK Rolf, look at us. Smile for the tawdry sock puppets. That's it, you can do it! Yes, you can! That a boy!"

Nat: [making the puppet talk] "Give us a big smile Rolf! Don't be shy!"

[Edd and Nat giggle]

[Rolf's hair sticks up when Eddy takes the picture]

Eddy: "Hahaha!" [goes to Ed in the 'processing unit'] "Is it finished yet?"

[Rolf, Nat and Edd are both waiting, when the bell rings]

Edd: "Well, We'll just check on those prints, shall we?"

Nat: "We shall."

Ed: "I am done, guys and girl!" [He shows Edd, Nat and Eddy his drawing.]

Nat: "Um, Ed." 

Edd: "What is that behind Rolf?"

Ed: "Rolf's head is about to be crunched by a four-legged mutant bus driver."

Eddy: "You're supposed to draw a picture of Rolf. No monsters, just Rolf, stupid."

Ed: "Oh yeah. Rub it out, rub it out, rub it out-"

[Jimmy pushes Ed's drawing pad out of the way]

Jimmy: "Where do you keep your hot water bottle?"

Eddy: "Hey Jimmy, take a hike!" [throws Jimmy out of the way] "Ed's busy."

Ed: "Under the sink, Jimmy!"

Rolf: [still sat down] "Hello? How long must Rolf wait for this portrait of self love?"

Edd: "Any time now." [to Eddy] "Rolf's becoming impatient, Eddy."

Jimmy [returns to Ed]: "How about the vaporizer, stretch?"

Ed: "Top shelf, shorty."

Eddy: "Hey! Go bug Sarah, you little pest!"

Jimmy: "For your information, crabby pants, Sarah is sick and I must take care of her."

Eddy: "We should all be so lucky."

Ed: "Sarah's sick? Wait!" [runs into the cardboard wall then on to his house] "Big brother's coming, baby sister!"

Eddy: "Ed, get back here!"

Edd: "Oh dear, I hope it's nothing serious. I best get my medical bag; one can never be too sure."

Nat: "I'll make her some tea."

[Rolf is becoming really impatient when Eddy looks at his 'photo']

Eddy: "Uhhh... gee, Rolf, you got a face only a mother could love." [runs off]

Rolf: "ED BOYS!"

[Jimmy and Ed are in Sarah's bedroom trying to help her feel better]

Jimmy: "There there, little frail one; Jimmy will take care of you."

Ed Edd n Eddy + Nat (My Oc)Where stories live. Discover now