Once Bitten, Twice Ed

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[Ed is playing with a model rocket, balancing it on his stomach.]

Ed: "All pistons are ready for a go! Astronauts are prepared and–uh oh." [He pushes the ship into his belly.] "The ship is being devoured by a mutant fat belly! Quick! Turn on your perpetual micron-orbital rocket! RUN AWAY!"

[He lets go of the ship, and it shoots off, flying all over the room. It hits Ed and flies out the window.]

Ed: "Whoops."

Strange Voice: "Hey, you."

[Ed looks everywhere, eventually turning to a table.]

Ed: "Me?"

Strange Voice: "Yeah, you. Approach me, mortal, for I am the great Baron O'Beefdip."

[Ed cowers. We see that a walkie-talkie is taped to the back of a toy monster.]

Ed: [confused, approaching the table] "Baron O'Beefdip?"

Baron O'Beefdip: "Do not perplex me. Obey my commands!"

Ed: "Commands?"

Baron O'Beefdip: "Is there an echo in here? Quick, bend over!" [Ed does as commanded and hits his head on the table.] "Pull up your feet!" [Ed pulls his feet up, falls and lands on his butt.] "Now, eat your mattress."

Ed: "Yum!"

[Ed rushes over to eat it. Edd knocks on the door and enters with Nat, Ed's rocket stuck in his ear.]

Edd: "Excuse me, Ed, but is this your–GOOD LORD MAN!"

Ed: [finishing his bed] "That hit the spot."

[Nat makes a shocked face]

Edd: "Ed, what have I told you about the needless taxing of one's digestive system?"

Ed: "I must obey my master, Baron O'Beefdip."

Edd: [seeing the walkie-talkie on the back] "Guh-roan. Dear Ed, someone seems to be pulling your–"

Baron O'Beefdip: "Don't let him touch me!" [Edd pulls his hand back.] "Obey me, mortal! Wolf down the nonbeliever!" [Ed lowers the toy and looks at Edd.]

Ed: "I shall obey."

[Nat stands in front of Edd]

Nat: "Ed please don't."

Edd: [backing away] "Um, Ed, don't you look at me like that!"

Ed: "Must eat nonbeliever!"

[Edd backs into a closet. He flings the door open to reveal Eddy, acting as the puppetmaster.]

Nat: "Eddy?"

Edd: "I knew it! You make him stop! Make him stop!"

Eddy: [into the other walkie-talkie] "Take five, mortal."

Ed: [stopping] "Gotcha, Baron guy."

Eddy: [laughing] "Hook, line, and sucker."

Edd: "Ha ha ha. And what's this prove, Eddy?"

Eddy: "That you can dupe anyone at anytime with the right bait. Put that on a T-shirt and sell it."

Edd: "Oh, please."

Eddy: [into the transmitter] "Hey, get me a sandwich, I'm starved."

Ed: "I shall obey, master!" [Ed runs out to do Eddy's bidding, though slams himself onto the opposite side of his door. Eddy cackles hysterically.]

Edd: "Your hypothesis is flawed, Eddy." [Eddy stops laughing as a dazed Ed heads upstairs backwards.] "This is Ed we're talking about."

Eddy: [let down] "Gee, y'know Double D, you're right." [He removes the walkie-talkie from Baron O'Beefdip's back.] "And when you're right, you're not wrong. Pity my measly soul, for lost in the stench of Loserville I am." [He looks at Edd, smiling a hidden grin.]

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