Cool Hand Ed

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[Jonny hustles into the school. It seems he is late. He enters the classroom and takes his seat. At the front of the class sits Edd, who is meticulously arranging his pencils and books and ignoring the items flying past him. Nat is sitting next to him reading a book. The teacher enters, and Edd readies himself to take notes. An apple lands on his hat, and he turns around.]

Edd: [whispering] "Ed! Behave!"

[Ed nods and draws on his tongue. He then drops a bowling ball on his tongue and watches it roll off. Ed looks behind him to Eddy, who is hidden behind a stack of books. Ed pulls one of the books out, and the whole tower collapses. One of the books falls on Eddy, and he sits up.]

Edd: "Ssh!"

[Eddy sits up and pretends to be an attentive student for a few seconds. He soon gives up the act, however, and goes back to being the bored student in the back of the class. He slumps on his desk, watching the clock tick away seconds of his life that he knows he'll never get back. The bell rings, and the kids head to another class; specifically, gym class. Eddy and Edd make their way to the chin-up bar.]

Eddy: [whispering] "Listen up." [Edd is struggling to do even one while Eddy is in a rhythm.] "Here's the plan. We're busting out of this joint."

Edd: "Busting out?" [Amazed, he lets go of the bar.]

Eddy: "Yeah, busting out." [Ed is doing all the work, lifting Eddy on his back.] "I've had it with all this school stuff. Grammar whosits, math whatzits, science, social studies, geography–WHO CARES!"

[Eddy realizes he's spoken too loudly, and clamps his hands over his mouth.]

Ed: "Look sharp. Teacher, guys." [He does chin-ups for his friends, slamming their heads into the bar. Ed then moves on to the sit-up station, and Edd follows. Eddy holds for them.]

Eddy: [whispering] "Okay. Here's what we're gonna do. When the teacher turns around–" [he looks from side to side] "–we make a run for it!"

Edd: [normally] "You can't be serious!"

[Eddy crams his hands over Edd's mouth.]

Eddy: "Ssh!"

Edd: [whispering] "There are severe consequences to–" [quieter] "–skipping school."

Ed: "Yeah, Eddy." [getting louder, unaware that Jonny is passing by and hearing him] "The school will tell Sarah, and Sarah will tell Mom, and Mom will tell Dad, and DAD WILL JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH TV!" [Eddy clamps Ed's mouth shut.]

Eddy: "But just think of it, Lumpy." [into Ed's ear] "All day. Monster movies, comics, and all the gravy you can stomach."

[Eddy's words sink in.]

Ed: [shaking Edd] "IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT, DOUBLE D!"

[A whistle blows, and Ed and Eddy head for the next station.]

Edd: [pained] "Oh for goodness sake."

[The next station is jump ropes. Eddy flops it back and forth, Ed flosses, and Edd tries to do it correctly.]

Edd: "You can't just run for it, Eddy. A successful escape during school hours would take careful planning, with flawless execution. Planning I want no part of, thank you."

Eddy: "Oh yes you do, or Ed here's gonna write how you feel about Nat on the girls' bathroom wall."

Edd: [shivering] "You wouldn't dare."

[Ed puts a pencil in his mouth and sharpens it. Eddy then sniffs the air. He pulls Edd to the side, revealing Jonny and Plank. Jonny grins nervously.]

Ed Edd n Eddy + Nat (My Oc)Where stories live. Discover now