I Am Curious Ed

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[Sarah and Jimmy are running through Jimmy's house. Jimmy is pretending to be a dragon, while Sarah is a knight.]

Sarah: "Kiss your butt goodbye, dragon!"

[Jimmy trips. He gets up, fixes his costume, and resumes running.]

Jimmy: "Don't hurt me, brave knight!"

[Sarah chases Jimmy upstairs and into a closet, where he runs into a wall. The chase stops.]

Jimmy: "I'm okay!"

[The chase picks up again, but this time the dragon is chasing the knight.]

Jimmy: "Rarr! Rarr! Rarr! Rarr! Rarr!"

Sarah: "I got you now, dragon!"

[They run back and forth past a fishbowl with two big fish and lots of little ones. Jimmy stops.]

Jimmy: "Look, Sarah! Fish and Chips have friends visiting!"

Sarah: "Holy cow, Jimmy, they look like babies!"

Jimmy: "Really? Babies?"

Sarah: "I think so, Jimmy."

Jimmy: "But where do babies come from, Sarah?"

Sarah: "Beats the heck out of me, Jimmy."

Kevin: [offscreen] "Blue! Forty-four!"

[Sarah and Jimmy look out their window. Kevin is decked out in football regalia.]

Kevin: "Blue! Forty-four! Hut! Hut! Hut!"

[Kevin takes off and slams into a tree. Apples fall onto the ground around it.]

Kevin: [removing his helmet] "Not too shabby, huh?"

Nazz: "Awesome! Thanks, dude!"

Kevin: [helping her pick up apples] "Yo, Nazz, making jam?"

Nazz: "If you say so."

Jimmy: "Nazz! Kevin!" [He and Sarah rush up, carrying the goldfish bowl.] "My fishies had babies!"

Nazz: "Oh, that's rad, Jimmy!"

Sarah: "Hey, you guys know where babies come from?"

[Nazz blushes and giggles. Kevin scratches his head in consternation.]

Kevin: "Babies, huh? Where do they come from? Uh...babies grow on trees. Like apples! [He bites the apple he is holding.] Go figure. Later!"

[Kevin walks away. Nazz, still giggling, follows him.]

Jonny: "He's got the tree part right!" [Jonny is hauling up a lobster trap.] "But the rest of it is a pile of malarkey! Plank and I know where babies come from! We saw last spring! Right, buddy?"

[He hefts the cage up. Plank is inside, pretending to be a lobster.]

Jonny: "C'mon!"

[Jonny runs on top of the fence. Jimmy and Sarah grin at each other and follow.]

[Jonny has built a giant fake nest. Jimmy and Sarah are inside, in egg costumes. Jonny climbs up.]

Jonny: "See, this is a nest! You need to build one! For the babies!"

Jimmy: "Ooh!"

Jonny: "Plank wants to be mama bird, and you guys are the eggs!" [He zips up the costume.]

Jimmy: "I don't see any babies Jonny."

Jonny: "Ssh. You have to wait for the warmth of mama bird to hatch you." [He puts Plank on top of the eggs.]

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