Out with the Old, In with the Ed

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[Edd is writing on a clipboard. He checks a blueprint with a drawing of a floor plan on it and checks something off. He pulls out a stopwatch and looks at it.]

Edd: "Commencing back-to-school simulation. And...time!"

[Edd clicks the stopwatch on, and an image of a stopwatch appears on screen and begins ticking. He drops it into his shirt and pulls out a remote. With the press of a button, his door closes behind him. Edd then twists a clock 90º to the right without stopping. In front of him, a light pulls out from the ceiling and an arm holding a tied tie descends. Edd runs into the tie. He knots it, and a closet opens, revealing an orange coat. Edd puts it on and stops at the top of the stairs. The rug underneath him acts as an elevator. Edd is carried down. On the way, he grabs a briefcase. The rug reaches the ground floor and lets Edd off. Edd twists a statue's head as he runs by it. A closet door opens and the closet inside shifts to the left. A new one, filled with school supplies, appears. Edd starts to put supplies in his briefcase, but he suddenly stops and looks the closet over.]

Edd: "The paper clips." [desperate] "I've forgotten the paper clips! Oh, curse those months of unrecommended summer irrationality!"

[He slumps to the floor, pulls out the watch, and stops it, resulting in the onscreen stopwatch to vanish. Edd then makes some marks on his clipboard.]

Edd: "Sloppy sloppy sloppy." [He looks up at the calendar, surprised.] "July? Couldn't be." [His hat stands up.] "We should be in fall!" [He considers.] "Shouldn't we?"

[Outside, Kevin runs by, clothed only in swim trunks. He raises a water balloon.]

Kevin: "Too hot for you, Rolf?" [He throws it at Rolf.] "Better cool off, bro!"

Rolf: "Okey dokey!" [Edd opens his door and steps out.] "Prepare for Rolf's water-laden bovine bladder!"

[Rolf chases Kevin. Jonny and Plank run down a pole, whizz-whazzing.]

Jonny: "Whizz, whizz it's time to whazz! Whizz, whizz it's time to whazz!"

Sarah: [running through a sprinkler] "Whee! Sprinkler fun!"

Jimmy: "I love getting sprinkled, Sarah!"

Edd: [passing by a sunbathing Nazz, confused] "But just yesterday, the air was cool. The leaves had turned color. Is that barbecue I smell?"

[A swimming tire decorated to look like a hamburger is pulled down over Edd, and Edd is yanked off. He lands between Ed, who is spinning two "bun" tires. Ed slams the burger between the buns.]

Eddy: [wearing a "Smooch the Cook" apron] "That's right, Sockhead. Now get out there and drum up some business."

Ed: [handing over black, rubber patties] "Ready for sizzlin, boss!"

[Ed heads behind the sign announcing the business and cuts up a tire, creating more patties. He looks for another tire. Finding none, he calls Eddy.]

Ed: "Uh-Oh. Outta burgers, boss!"

Eddy: "So? Get some more!" [He throws Ed out.]

Edd: "Excuse me, Eddy, but I'm a trifle confused–"

Eddy: [explaining Edd's role] "Burgers. Twenty-five. Cents. Eddy's. Summer. Barbecue. Got it? Now move it, we need customers!"

Ed: "Got beef, Eddy!" [He comes back, carrying the axle of Rolf's tractor.]

Eddy: "Thataboy, Lumpy!"

Edd: [confused] "Could somebody please tell me what is going on here?" [He turns to Jonny, who is in line.]

Jonny: "Nice hamburger costume. Not! Plank says Halloween's a long way away, Double D."

Edd: "How can Plank be sure, Jonny? Does he know what month this is?"

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