An Ed Too Many

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[The Eds and Nat are in a backyard, looking at something. they're looking for four-leaf clovers.]

Ed: "One, two, three... Nope. One, two–" [He sees a caterpillar crawling on his hand] "–hello!" [He watches it move.] "Cool."

Nat: "Ed, you found a caterpillar!"

Ed: "Yeah!"

[Nat puts her finger next to Eds as the caterpillar crawls off his finger onto hers]

Nat: "Awesome! I can't wait to put you in my butterfly house!"

[Nat puts the caterpillar in a jar with a leaf.]

Edd: "One–" [Ed moves past, imitating the caterpillar.]

Ed: "I am going to be a beautiful butterfly."

Eddy: "Three,'s got to be a four. A four-leaf clover means good luck. And luck means we'll be able to talk people into anything."

Edd: "With good luck, the daily chore of applying fabric softener would be a thing of the past."

Ed: "I got it! I found some luck!" [He trips over a sprinkler and slides underground, ending up at Eddy's feet.]

Eddy: "Where's the clover, Ed?"

[Ed sticks his hands out, revealing a Baby Blue Gym Sock.]

Eddy: "What's with the weed?"

Edd: "Actually, Eddy, it's a very Rare flower." 

Nat: "It's beautiful!"

[Eddy grabs it by its stem.] 

Nat: "No Eddy! Don't hurt it!"

Edd: "Please, be gentle, Eddy!"

Eddy: "Yeah. Cute, whatever." [He tosses it over his shoulder. Edd catches it just before it hits the ground. Nat breathes a sign of relief.]

Ed: [with a mouthful of dirt] "Amn duh."

Eddy: "Is a four-leafed clover too much to ask for? Bingo!" [He has found one and holds it up.] "Feel the magic, boys and girl!" [A deep rumbling is heard.] "Huh?"

Ed: [looking for the source of the noise and not finding it] "Eddy!" [He jumps into Eddy's arms.]

Eddy: "You're giving me a hernia, Ed."

Ed: "It sounds like the howl of a werewolf from the belly of Hades!" [The growl comes again.]

Eddy: "Get off me, Ed! That's your belly!"

Ed: [his stomach rumbling again] "I'm hungry."

Eddy: "Let's go to my place and make some pizza!"

Edd: "I'll make the sauce!"

Nat: "I'll cut the cheese!"

Ed: "I'll get in the way and make a big mess."

[Sarah and Jimmy are playing hopscotch.]

Sarah: "Your turn, Jimmy."

Jimmy: "Here goes. Whee!"

Ed: [rushing past him] "Double cheese, hold the onions!"

Nat: [also rushing] "Hi Sarah, Jimmy! Bye Sarah, Jimmy!"

[Eddy comes by and erases the squares around Jimmy's, leaving him stranded.]

Jimmy: "I'm stranded!"

Sarah: "Eddy, you blockhead!"

Jimmy: "I'm falling!" [Sarah catches him and sets him upright.]

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